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Passing parameters to the compiler

We will start with the parameters that the compiler requires in order to get the code compiled. In the compilation process, we used -losg -losgViewer -I/usr/include/osg -I/usr/include/osgViewer.

Our Nim file ex01.nim would start in this case with:

{.passL: "-losg -losgViewer".}
{.passC: "-I/usr/include/osg -I/usr/include/osgViewer"}

As the manual states, the passL pragma passes parameters to the linker.

You can also use pkgconfig:

$ pkg-config --libs openscenegraph
-losg -losgDB -losgFX -losgGA -losgParticle -losgSim -losgText -losgUtil -losgTerrain -losgManipulator -losgViewer -losgWidget -losgShadow -losgAnimation -losgVolume -lOpenThreads

The way in which the outcome of pkgconfig is used in passL is by means of gorge:

{.passL: gorge("pkgconfig --libs openscenegraph").}

The same applies to passC. So you could use:

{.passC: gorge("pkg-config --cflags openscenegraph").}

So we can live with:

{.passL: gorge("pkgconfig --libs openscenegraph").}
{.passC: gorge("pkg-config --cflags openscenegraph").}  # In this case will be empty


windows case