
The arrays in Nim are like classic C arrays, their size is specified at compile-time and cannot be given or changed at runtime.

  ThreeStringAddress = array[3, string]
let names: ThreeStringAddress = ["Jasmine", "Ktisztina", "Kristof"]
let addresses: ThreeStringAddress = ["101 Betburweg", "66 Bellion Drive", "194 Laarderweg"]

The size of the array is encoded in its type and cannot be accidentally lost. Therefore, a procedure taking an array of variable length must encode the length in its type parameters.

proc zip[I, T](a, b: array[I, T]):
               array[I, tuple[a, b: T]] =
  for i in low(a)..high(a):
    result[i] = (a[i], b[i])

let nameAndAddresses =

Alternate methods of indexing arrays are also allowed, the first type parameter is actually a range (just a value, as above, is syntactic sugar for 0..N-1). It’s also possible to use ordinal values to index an array, effectively creating a lookup table:

  PartsOfSpeech {.pure.} = enum
    Pronoun, Verb, Article, Adjective, Noun, Adverb
let partOfSpeechExamples: array[PartsOfSpeech, string] = [
  "he", "reads", "the", "green", "book", "slowly"

  Matrix[W, H: static[int]] =
    array[1..W, array[1..H, int]]

let mat1: Matrix[2, 2] = [[1, 0],
                          [0, 1]]
let mat2: Matrix[2, 2] = [[0, 1],
                          [1, 0]]

proc `+`[W, H](a, b: Matrix[W, H]):
               Matrix[W, H] =
  for i in 1..high(a):
    for j in 1..high(a[0]):
      result[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j]

# See `$` from the procs section

echo mat1 + mat2
nim c -r matrix.nim
1, 1, 
1, 1,