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Generics are Nim\'s means to parametrize procs, iterators or types with type parameters. Depending on the context, the brackets are used either to introduce type parameters or to instantiate a generic proc, iterator, or type.

The following example shows how a generic binary tree can be modeled:

  BinaryTree*[T] = ref object # BinaryTree is a generic type with
                              # generic param `T`
    le, ri: BinaryTree[T]     # left and right subtrees; may be nil
    data: T                   # the data stored in a node

proc newNode*[T](data: T): BinaryTree[T] =
  # constructor for a node
  result = BinaryTree[T](le: nil, ri: nil, data: data)

proc add*[T](root: var BinaryTree[T], n: BinaryTree[T]) =
  # insert a node into the tree
  if root == nil:
    root = n
    var it = root
    while it != nil:
      # compare the data items; uses the generic `cmp` proc
      # that works for any type that has a `==` and `<` operator
      var c = cmp(,
      if c < 0:
        if it.le == nil:
          it.le = n
        it = it.le
        if it.ri == nil:
          it.ri = n
        it = it.ri

proc add*[T](root: var BinaryTree[T], data: T) =
  # convenience proc:
  add(root, newNode(data))

iterator preorder*[T](root: BinaryTree[T]): T =
  # Preorder traversal of a binary tree.
  # This uses an explicit stack (which is more efficient than
  # a recursive iterator factory).
  var stack: seq[BinaryTree[T]] = @[root]
  while stack.len > 0:
    var n = stack.pop()
    while n != nil:
      add(stack, n.ri)  # push right subtree onto the stack
      n = n.le          # and follow the left pointer

  root: BinaryTree[string] # instantiate a BinaryTree with `string`
add(root, newNode("hello")) # instantiates `newNode` and `add`
add(root, "world")          # instantiates the second `add` proc
for str in preorder(root):

The T is called a generic type parameter{.interpreted-text role="idx"} or a type variable.

Is operator

The is operator is evaluated during semantic analysis to check for type equivalence. It is therefore very useful for type specialization within generic code:

Table[Key, Value] = object
keys: seq[Key]
values: seq[Value]
when not (Key is string): # empty value for strings used for optimization
deletedKeys: seq[bool]

Type Classes

A type class is a special pseudo-type that can be used to match against types in the context of overload resolution or the is operator. Nim supports the following built-in type classes:

type class matches

object any object type tuple any tuple type enum any enumeration proc any proc type ref any ref type ptr any ptr type var any var type distinct any distinct type array any array type set any set type seq any seq type auto any type

Furthermore, every generic type automatically creates a type class of the same name that will match any instantiation of the generic type.

Type classes can be combined using the standard boolean operators to form more complex type classes:

# create a type class that will match all tuple and object types
type RecordType = tuple or object
proc printFields[T: RecordType](rec: T) =
  for key, value in fieldPairs(rec):
    echo key, " = ", value

Type constraints on generic parameters can be grouped with , and propagation stops with ;, similarly to parameters for macros and templates:

proc fn1[T; U, V: SomeFloat]() = discard # T is unconstrained
template fn2(t; u, v: SomeFloat) = discard # t is unconstrained

Whilst the syntax of type classes appears to resemble that of ADTs/algebraic data types in ML-like languages, it should be understood that type classes are static constraints to be enforced at type instantiations. Type classes are not really types in themselves but are instead a system of providing generic \"checks\" that ultimately resolve to some singular type. Type classes do not allow for runtime type dynamism, unlike object variants or methods.

As an example, the following would not compile:

type TypeClass = int | string
var foo: TypeClass = 2 # foo's type is resolved to an int here
foo = "this will fail" # error here, because foo is an int

Nim allows for type classes and regular types to be specified as type constraints of the generic type parameter:

proc onlyIntOrString[T: int|string](x, y: T) = discard
onlyIntOrString(450, 616) # valid
onlyIntOrString(5.0, 0.0) # type mismatch
onlyIntOrString("xy", 50) # invalid as 'T' cannot be both at the same time

Implicit generics

A type class can be used directly as the parameter\'s type.

# create a type class that will match all tuple and object types
type RecordType = tuple or object

proc printFields(rec: RecordType) =
  for key, value in fieldPairs(rec):
    echo key, " = ", value

Procedures utilizing type classes in such a manner are considered to be implicitly generic. They will be instantiated once for each unique combination of param types used within the program.

By default, during overload resolution, each named type class will bind to exactly one concrete type. We call such type classes bind once types. Here is an example taken directly from the system module to illustrate this:

proc `==`*(x, y: tuple): bool =
## requires `x` and `y` to be of the same tuple type
## generic `==` operator for tuples that is lifted from the components
## of `x` and `y`.
result = true
for a, b in fields(x, y):
if a != b: result = false

Alternatively, the distinct type modifier can be applied to the type class to allow each param matching the type class to bind to a different type. Such type classes are called bind many{.interpreted-text role="idx"} types.

Procs written with the implicitly generic style will often need to refer to the type parameters of the matched generic type. They can be easily accessed using the dot syntax:

type Matrix[T, Rows, Columns] = object
proc `[]`(m: Matrix, row, col: int): Matrix.T =[col * high(Matrix.Columns) + row]

Here are more examples that illustrate implicit generics:

proc p(t: Table; k: Table.Key): Table.Value

# is roughly the same as:

proc p[Key, Value](t: Table[Key, Value]; k: Key): Value
proc p(a: Table, b: Table)

# is roughly the same as:

proc p[Key, Value](a, b: Table[Key, Value])
proc p(a: Table, b: distinct Table)

# is roughly the same as:

proc p[Key, Value, KeyB, ValueB](a: Table[Key, Value], b: Table[KeyB, ValueB])

typedesc used as a parameter type also introduces an implicit generic. typedesc has its own set of rules:

proc p(a: typedesc)

# is roughly the same as:

proc p[T](a: typedesc[T])

typedesc is a \"bind many\" type class:

proc p(a, b: typedesc)

# is roughly the same as:

proc p[T, T2](a: typedesc[T], b: typedesc[T2])

A parameter of type typedesc is itself usable as a type. If it is used as a type, it\'s the underlying type. (In other words, one level of \"typedesc\"-ness is stripped off:

proc p(a: typedesc; b: a) = discard

# is roughly the same as:
proc p[T](a: typedesc[T]; b: T) = discard

# hence this is a valid call:
p(int, 4)
# as parameter 'a' requires a type, but 'b' requires a value.

Generic inference restrictions

The types var T and typedesc[T] cannot be inferred in a generic instantiation. The following is not allowed:

proc g[T](f: proc(x: T); x: T) =

proc c(y: int) = echo y
proc v(y: var int) =
  y += 100
var i: int

# allowed: infers 'T' to be of type 'int'
g(c, 42)

# not valid: 'T' is not inferred to be of type 'var int'
g(v, i)

# also not allowed: explicit instantiation via 'var int'
g[var int](v, i)

Symbol lookup in generics

Open and Closed symbols

The symbol binding rules in generics are slightly subtle: There are \"open\" and \"closed\" symbols. A \"closed\" symbol cannot be re-bound in the instantiation context, an \"open\" symbol can. Per default, overloaded symbols are open and every other symbol is closed.

Open symbols are looked up in two different contexts: Both the context at definition and the context at instantiation are considered:

  Index = distinct int

proc `==` (a, b: Index): bool {.borrow.}

var a = (0, 0.Index)
var b = (0, 0.Index)

echo a == b # works!

In the example, the generic == for tuples (as defined in the system module) uses the == operators of the tuple\'s components. However, the == for the Index type is defined after the == for tuples; yet the example compiles as the instantiation takes the currently defined symbols into account too.

Mixin statement

A symbol can be forced to be open by a mixin{.interpreted-text role="idx"} declaration:

proc create*[T](): ref T =
  # there is no overloaded 'init' here, so we need to state that it's an
  # open symbol explicitly:
  mixin init
  new result
  init result

mixin statements only make sense in templates and generics.

Bind statement

The bind statement is the counterpart to the mixin statement. It can be used to explicitly declare identifiers that should be bound early (i.e. the identifiers should be looked up in the scope of the template/generic definition):

# Module A
lastId = 0
template genId*: untyped =
  bind lastId
# Module B
import A
echo genId()

But a bind is rarely useful because symbol binding from the definition scope is the default.

bind statements only make sense in templates and generics.

Delegating bind statements

The following example outlines a problem that can arise when generic instantiations cross multiple different modules:

# module A
proc genericA*[T](x: T) =
  mixin init
import C

# module B
proc genericB*[T](x: T) =
  # Without the `bind init` statement C's init proc is
  # not available when `genericB` is instantiated:
  bind init
# module C
type O = object
proc init*(x: var O) = discard
# module main
import B, C

genericB O()

In module B has an init proc from module C in its scope that is not taken into account when genericB is instantiated which leads to the instantiation of genericA. The solution is to forward these symbols by a bind statement inside genericB.