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Lexical Analysis

Lexical Analysis


All Nim source files are in the UTF-8 encoding (or its ASCII subset). Other encodings are not supported. Any of the standard platform line termination sequences can be used - the Unix form using ASCII LF (linefeed), the Windows form using the ASCII sequence CR LF (return followed by linefeed), or the old Macintosh form using the ASCII CR (return) character. All of these forms can be used equally, regardless of the platform.


Nim\'s standard grammar describes an indentation sensitive language. This means that all the control structures are recognized by indentation. Indentation consists only of spaces; tabulators are not allowed.

The indentation handling is implemented as follows: The lexer annotates the following token with the preceding number of spaces; indentation is not a separate token. This trick allows parsing of Nim with only 1 token of lookahead.

The parser uses a stack of indentation levels: the stack consists of integers counting the spaces. The indentation information is queried at strategic places in the parser but ignored otherwise: The pseudo-terminal IND{>} denotes an indentation that consists of more spaces than the entry at the top of the stack; IND{=} an indentation that has the same number of spaces. DED is another pseudo terminal that describes the action of popping a value from the stack, IND{>} then implies to push onto the stack.

With this notation we can now easily define the core of the grammar: A block of statements (simplified example):

ifStmt = 'if' expr ':' stmt
         (IND{=} 'elif' expr ':' stmt)*
         (IND{=} 'else' ':' stmt)?

simpleStmt = ifStmt / ...

stmt = IND{>} stmt ^+ IND{=} DED  # list of statements
     / simpleStmt                 # or a simple statement


Comments start anywhere outside a string or character literal with the hash character #. Comments consist of a concatenation of comment pieces. A comment piece starts with # and runs until the end of the line. The end of line characters belong to the piece. If the next line only consists of a comment piece with no other tokens between it and the preceding one, it does not start a new comment:

i = 0     # This is a single comment over multiple lines.
# The lexer merges these two pieces.
# The comment continues here.

Documentation comments are comments that start with two ##. Documentation comments are tokens; they are only allowed at certain places in the input file as they belong to the syntax tree.

Multiline comments

Starting with version 0.13.0 of the language Nim supports multiline comments. They look like:

#[Comment here.
Multiple lines
are not a problem.]#

Multiline comments support nesting:

#[  #[ Multiline comment in already
commented out code. ]#
proc p[T](x: T) = discard

Multiline documentation comments also exist and support nesting too:

proc foo =
##[Long documentation comment

Identifiers & Keywords

Identifiers in Nim can be any string of letters, digits and underscores, with the following restrictions:

  • begins with a letter
  • does not end with an underscore _
  • two immediate following underscores __ are not allowed:

``` letter ::= 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '\x80'..'\xff' digit ::= '0'..'9' IDENTIFIER ::= letter ( ['_'] (letter | digit) )*

Currently, any Unicode character with an ordinal value \> 127
(non-ASCII) is classified as a `letter` and may thus be part of an
identifier but later versions of the language may assign some Unicode
characters to belong to the operator characters instead.

The following keywords are reserved and cannot be used as identifiers:

``` {.nim file="keywords.txt"}

Some keywords are unused; they are reserved for future developments of the language.

Identifier equality

Two identifiers are considered equal if the following algorithm returns true:

proc sameIdentifier(a, b: string): bool =
a[0] == b[0] and
a.replace("_", "").toLowerAscii == b.replace("_", "").toLowerAscii

That means only the first letters are compared in a case-sensitive manner. Other letters are compared case-insensitively within the ASCII range and underscores are ignored.

This rather unorthodox way to do identifier comparisons is called partial case-insensitivity and has some advantages over the conventional case sensitivity:

It allows programmers to mostly use their own preferred spelling style, be it humpStyle or snake_style, and libraries written by different programmers cannot use incompatible conventions. A Nim-aware editor or IDE can show the identifiers as preferred. Another advantage is that it frees the programmer from remembering the exact spelling of an identifier. The exception with respect to the first letter allows common code like var foo: Foo to be parsed unambiguously.

Note that this rule also applies to keywords, meaning that notin is the same as notIn and not_in (all-lowercase version (notin, isnot) is the preferred way of writing keywords).

Historically, Nim was a fully style-insensitive{.interpreted-text role="idx"} language. This meant that it was not case-sensitive and underscores were ignored and there was not even a distinction between foo and Foo.

Keywords as identifiers

If a keyword is enclosed in backticks it loses its keyword property and becomes an ordinary identifier.


var `var` = "Hello Stropping"
type Obj = object
`type`: int
let `object` = Obj(`type`: 9)
assert `object` is Obj
assert `object`.`type` == 9

var `var` = 42
let `let` = 8
assert `var` + `let` == 50

const `assert` = true
assert `assert`

String literals

Terminal symbol in the grammar: STR_LIT.

String literals can be delimited by matching double quotes, and can contain the following escape sequences:

+------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Escape sequence | Meaning | +========================+============================================+ | > \p | platform specific newline: CRLF on | | | Windows, LF on Unix | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \r, \c | carriage return{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"} | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \n, \l | line feed | | | (often called newline{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"}) | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \f | form feed | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \t | tabulator | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \v | vertical tabulator{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"} | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \\ | backslash | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \" | quotation mark{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"} | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \' | apostrophe | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \ \'0\'..\'9\'+ ` | character with decimal value d`:idx:; all | | | decimal digits directly following are used | | | for the character | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \a | alert | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \b | backspace | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \e | escape | | | [ESC] | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \x HH | char | | | acter with hex value HH{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"}; exactly two hex digits are | | | allowed | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \u HHHH | unicode codepo | | | int with hex value HHHH{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"}; exactly four hex digits are | | | allowed | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | > \u {H+} | unicode codepoint{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"}; all hex digits enclosed in | | | {} are used for the codepoint | +------------------------+--------------------------------------------+

Strings in Nim may contain any 8-bit value, even embedded zeros. However some operations may interpret the first binary zero as a terminator.

Triple quoted string literals

Terminal symbol in the grammar: TRIPLESTR_LIT.

String literals can also be delimited by three double quotes """ ... """. Literals in this form may run for several lines, may contain " and do not interpret any escape sequences. For convenience, when the opening """ is followed by a newline (there may be whitespace between the opening """ and the newline), the newline (and the preceding whitespace) is not included in the string. The ending of the string literal is defined by the pattern """[^"], so this:

""""long string within quotes""""


"long string within quotes"

Raw string literals

Terminal symbol in the grammar: RSTR_LIT.

There are also raw string literals that are preceded with the letter r (or R) and are delimited by matching double quotes (just like ordinary string literals) and do not interpret the escape sequences. This is especially convenient for regular expressions or Windows paths:

var f = openFile(r"C:\texts\text.txt") # a raw string, so ``\t`` is no tab

To produce a single " within a raw string literal, it has to be doubled:




r"""" is not possible with this notation, because the three leading quotes introduce a triple quoted string literal. r""" is the same as """ since triple quoted string literals do not interpret escape sequences either.

Generalized raw string literals


The construct identifier"string literal" (without whitespace between the identifier and the opening quotation mark) is a generalized raw string literal. It is a shortcut for the construct identifier(r"string literal"), so it denotes a routine call with a raw string literal as its only argument. Generalized raw string literals are especially convenient for embedding mini languages directly into Nim (for example regular expressions).

The construct identifier"""string literal""" exists too. It is a shortcut for identifier("""string literal""").

Character literals

Character literals are enclosed in single quotes '' and can contain the same escape sequences as strings - with one exception: the platform dependent newline (\p) is not allowed as it may be wider than one character (it can be the pair CR/LF). Here are the valid escape sequences for character literals:

+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Escape sequence | Meaning | +=====================+===============================================+ | > \r, \c | carriage return{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"} | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \n, \l | line feed | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \f | form feed | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \t | tabulator | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \v | vertical tabulator{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"} | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \\ | backslash | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \" | quotation mark{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"} | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \' | apostrophe | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \ \'0\'..\'9\'+ | char | | | acter with decimal value d{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"}; all decimal digits directly | | | following are used for the character | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \a | alert | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \b | backspace | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \e | escape | | | [ESC] | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | > \x HH | c | | | haracter with hex value HH{.interpreted-text | | | role="idx"}; exactly two hex digits are | | | allowed | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+

A character is not a Unicode character but a single byte.

Rationale: It enables the efficient support of array[char, int] or set[char].

The Rune type can represent any Unicode character. Rune is declared in the unicode module.

A character literal that does not end in ' is interpreted as ' if there is a preceeding backtick token. There must be no whitespace between the preceeding backtick token and the character literal. This special case ensures that a declaration like proc `'customLiteral`(s: string) is valid. proc `'customLiteral`(s: string) is the same as proc `'\''customLiteral`(s: string).

See also Custom Numeric Literals.

Numeric Literals

Numeric literals have the form:

hexdigit = digit | 'A'..'F' | 'a'..'f'
octdigit = '0'..'7'
bindigit = '0'..'1'
unary_minus = '-' # See the section about unary minus
HEX_LIT = unary_minus? '0' ('x' | 'X' ) hexdigit ( ['_'] hexdigit )*
DEC_LIT = unary_minus? digit ( ['_'] digit )*
OCT_LIT = unary_minus? '0' 'o' octdigit ( ['_'] octdigit )*
BIN_LIT = unary_minus? '0' ('b' | 'B' ) bindigit ( ['_'] bindigit )*

        | DEC_LIT
        | OCT_LIT
        | BIN_LIT

INT8_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('i' | 'I') '8'
INT16_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('i' | 'I') '16'
INT32_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('i' | 'I') '32'
INT64_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('i' | 'I') '64'

UINT_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('u' | 'U')
UINT8_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('u' | 'U') '8'
UINT16_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('u' | 'U') '16'
UINT32_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('u' | 'U') '32'
UINT64_LIT = INT_LIT ['\''] ('u' | 'U') '64'

exponent = ('e' | 'E' ) ['+' | '-'] digit ( ['_'] digit )*
FLOAT_LIT = unary_minus? digit (['_'] digit)* (('.' digit (['_'] digit)* [exponent]) |exponent)
FLOAT32_SUFFIX = ('f' | 'F') ['32']
            | (FLOAT_LIT | DEC_LIT | OCT_LIT | BIN_LIT) ['\''] FLOAT32_SUFFIX
FLOAT64_SUFFIX = ( ('f' | 'F') '64' ) | 'd' | 'D'
            | (FLOAT_LIT | DEC_LIT | OCT_LIT | BIN_LIT) ['\''] FLOAT64_SUFFIX


# CUSTOM_NUMERIC_SUFFIX is any Nim identifier that is not
# a pre-defined type suffix.

As can be seen in the productions, numeric literals can contain underscores for readability. Integer and floating-point literals may be given in decimal (no prefix), binary (prefix 0b), octal (prefix 0o), and hexadecimal (prefix 0x) notation.

The fact that the unary minus - in a number literal like -1 is considered to be part of the literal is a late addition to the language. The rationale is that an expression -128'i8 should be valid and without this special case, this would be impossible -- 128 is not a valid int8 value, only -128 is.

For the unary_minus rule there are further restrictions that are not covered in the formal grammar. For - to be part of the number literal its immediately preceeding character has to be in the set {' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', ',', ';', '(', '[', '{'}. This set was designed to cover most cases in a natural manner.

In the following examples, -1 is a single token:

echo -1
echo [-1]
echo 3,-1


In the following examples, -1 is parsed as two separate tokens (as -{.interpreted-text role="tok"} 1{.interpreted-text role="tok"}):

echo x-1
echo (int)-1
echo [a]-1

The suffix starting with an apostrophe (\'\'\') is called a type suffix. Literals without a type suffix are of an integer type unless the literal contains a dot or E|e in which case it is of type float. This integer type is int if the literal is in the range low(int32)..high(int32), otherwise it is int64. For notational convenience, the apostrophe of a type suffix is optional if it is not ambiguous (only hexadecimal floating-point literals with a type suffix can be ambiguous).

The pre-defined type suffixes are:

+-------------+---------------------------+ | Type Suffix | Resulting type of literal | +=============+===========================+ | > 'i8 | int8 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'i16 | int16 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'i32 | int32 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'i64 | int64 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'u | uint | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'u8 | uint8 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'u16 | uint16 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'u32 | uint32 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'u64 | uint64 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'f | float32 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'd | float64 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'f32 | float32 | +-------------+---------------------------+ | > 'f64 | float64 | +-------------+---------------------------+

Floating-point literals may also be in binary, octal or hexadecimal notation: 0B0_10001110100_0000101001000111101011101111111011000101001101001001'f64 is approximately 1.72826e35 according to the IEEE floating-point standard.

Literals must match the datatype, for example, 333'i8 is an invalid literal. Non-base-10 literals are used mainly for flags and bit pattern representations, therefore the checking is done on bit width and not on value range. Hence: 0b10000000\'u8 == 0x80\'u8 == 128, but, 0b10000000\'i8 == 0x80\'i8 == -1 instead of causing an overflow error.

Custom Numeric Literals

If the suffix is not predefined, then the suffix is assumed to be a call to a proc, template, macro or other callable identifier that is passed the string containing the literal. The callable identifier needs to be declared with a special ' prefix:

import strutils
type u4 = distinct uint8 # a 4-bit unsigned integer aka "nibble"
proc `'u4`(n: string): u4 =
  # The leading ' is required.
  result = (parseInt(n) and 0x0F).u4

var x = 5'u4

More formally, a custom numeric literal 123'custom is transformed to r\"123\".'custom in the parsing step. There is no AST node kind that corresponds to this transformation. The transformation naturally handles the case that additional parameters are passed to the callee:

import strutils
type u4 = distinct uint8 # a 4-bit unsigned integer aka "nibble"
proc `'u4`(n: string; moreData: int): u4 =
  result = (parseInt(n) and 0x0F).u4

var x = 5'u4(123)

Custom numeric literals are covered by the grammar rule named CUSTOM_NUMERIC_LIT. A custom numeric literal is a single token.


Nim allows user defined operators. An operator is any combination of the following characters:

=     +     -     *     /     <     >
@     $     ~     &     %     |
!     ?     ^     .     :     \

(The grammar uses the terminal OPR to refer to operator symbols as defined here.)

These keywords are also operators: and or not xor shl shr div mod in notin is isnot of as from.

.{.interpreted-text role="tok"}, ={.interpreted-text role="tok"}, :{.interpreted-text role="tok"}, ::{.interpreted-text role="tok"} are not available as general operators; they are used for other notational purposes.

*: is as a special case treated as the two tokens *{.interpreted-text role="tok"} and :{.interpreted-text role="tok"} (to support var v*: T).

The not keyword is always a unary operator, a not b is parsed as a(not b), not as (a) not (b).

Other tokens

The following strings denote other tokens:

`   (    )     {    }     [    ]    ,  ;   [.    .]  {.   .}  (.  .)  [:

The slice operator ..{.interpreted-text role="tok"} takes precedence over other tokens that contain a dot: {..} are the three tokens {{.interpreted-text role="tok"}, ..{.interpreted-text role="tok"}, }{.interpreted-text role="tok"} and not the two tokens {.{.interpreted-text role="tok"}, .}{.interpreted-text role="tok"}.

Unicode Operators

Under the --experimental:unicodeOperators switch these Unicode operators are also parsed as operators:

∙ ∘ × ★ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊛ ⊠ ⊡ ∩ ∧ ⊓   # same priority as * (multiplication)
± ⊕ ⊖ ⊞ ⊟ ∪ ∨ ⊔             # same priority as + (addition)

If enabled, Unicode operators can be combined with non-Unicode operator symbols. The usual precedence extensions then apply, for example, ⊠= is an assignment like operator just like *= is.

No Unicode normalization step is performed.

Note: Due to parser limitations one cannot enable this feature via a pragma {.experimental: "unicodeOperators".} reliably.