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computedGoto pragma

The computedGoto pragma can be used to tell the compiler how to compile a Nim case in a while true statement. Syntactically it has to be used as a statement inside the loop:

  MyEnum = enum
    enumA, enumB, enumC, enumD, enumE

proc vm() =
  var instructions: array[0..100, MyEnum]
  instructions[2] = enumC
  instructions[3] = enumD
  instructions[4] = enumA
  instructions[5] = enumD
  instructions[6] = enumC
  instructions[7] = enumA
  instructions[8] = enumB

  instructions[12] = enumE
  var pc = 0
  while true:
    let instr = instructions[pc]
    case instr
    of enumA:
      echo "yeah A"
    of enumC, enumD:
      echo "yeah CD"
    of enumB:
      echo "yeah B"
    of enumE:


As the example shows, computedGoto is mostly useful for interpreters. If the underlying backend (C compiler) does not support the computed goto extension the pragma is simply ignored.