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Implementation Specific Pragmas

Implementation Specific Pragmas

This section describes additional pragmas that the current Nim implementation supports but which should not be seen as part of the language specification.

Bitsize pragma

The bitsize pragma is for object field members. It declares the field as a bitfield in C/C++.

mybitfield = object
flag {.bitsize:1.}: cuint


struct mybitfield {
unsigned int flag:1;

Align pragma

The align pragma is for variables and object field members. It modifies the alignment requirement of the entity being declared. The argument must be a constant power of 2. Valid non-zero alignments that are weaker than other align pragmas on the same declaration are ignored. Alignments that are weaker than the alignment requirement of the type are ignored.

  sseType = object
    sseData {.align(16).}: array[4, float32]

  # every object will be aligned to 128-byte boundary
  Data = object
    x: char
    cacheline {.align(128).}: array[128, char] # over-aligned array of char,

proc main() =
  echo "sizeof(Data) = ", sizeof(Data), " (1 byte + 127 bytes padding + 128-byte array)"
  # output: sizeof(Data) = 256 (1 byte + 127 bytes padding + 128-byte array)
  echo "alignment of sseType is ", alignof(sseType)
  # output: alignment of sseType is 16
  var d {.align(2048).}: Data # this instance of data is aligned even stricter


This pragma has no effect on the JS backend.

Volatile pragma

The volatile pragma is for variables only. It declares the variable as volatile{.interpreted-text role="c"}, whatever that means in C/C++ (its semantics are not well defined in C/C++).

Note: This pragma will not exist for the LLVM backend.

nodecl pragma

The nodecl pragma can be applied to almost any symbol (variable, proc, type, etc.) and is sometimes useful for interoperability with C: It tells Nim that it should not generate a declaration for the symbol in the C code. For example:

EACCES {.importc, nodecl.}: cint # pretend EACCES was a variable, as
# Nim does not know its value

However, the header pragma is often the better alternative.

Note: This will not work for the LLVM backend.

Header pragma

The header pragma is very similar to the nodecl pragma: It can be applied to almost any symbol and specifies that it should not be declared and instead, the generated code should contain an #include{.interpreted-text role="c"}:

PFile {.importc: "FILE*", header: "<stdio.h>".} = distinct pointer
# import C's FILE* type; Nim will treat it as a new pointer type

The header pragma always expects a string constant. The string constant contains the header file: As usual for C, a system header file is enclosed in angle brackets: <>{.interpreted-text role="c"}. If no angle brackets are given, Nim encloses the header file in ""{.interpreted-text role="c"} in the generated C code.

Note: This will not work for the LLVM backend.

IncompleteStruct pragma

The incompleteStruct pragma tells the compiler to not use the underlying C struct{.interpreted-text role="c"} in a sizeof expression:

DIR* {.importc: "DIR", header: "<dirent.h>",
pure, incompleteStruct.} = object

Compile pragma

The compile pragma can be used to compile and link a C/C++ source file with the project:

{.compile: "myfile.cpp".}

Note: Nim computes a SHA1 checksum and only recompiles the file if it has changed. One can use the -f{.interpreted-text role="option"} command-line option to force the recompilation of the file.

Since 1.4 the compile pragma is also available with this syntax:

{.compile("myfile.cpp", "--custom flags here").}

As can be seen in the example, this new variant allows for custom flags that are passed to the C compiler when the file is recompiled.

The link pragma can be used to link an additional file with the project:

{.link: "myfile.o".}

passc pragma

The passc pragma can be used to pass additional parameters to the C compiler like one would using the command-line switch --passc{.interpreted-text role="option"}:

{.passc: "-Wall -Werror".}

Note that one can use gorge from the system module to embed parameters from an external command that will be executed during semantic analysis:

{.passc: gorge("pkg-config --cflags sdl").}

LocalPassc pragma

The localPassc pragma can be used to pass additional parameters to the C compiler, but only for the C/C++ file that is produced from the Nim module the pragma resides in:

# Module A.nim
# Produces: A.nim.cpp
{.localPassc: "-Wall -Werror".} # Passed when compiling A.nim.cpp

passl pragma

The passl pragma can be used to pass additional parameters to the linker like one would be using the command-line switch --passl{.interpreted-text role="option"}:

{.passl: "-lSDLmain -lSDL".}

Note that one can use gorge from the system module to embed parameters from an external command that will be executed during semantic analysis:

{.passl: gorge("pkg-config --libs sdl").}

Emit pragma

The emit pragma can be used to directly affect the output of the compiler\'s code generator. The code is then unportable to other code generators/backends. Its usage is highly discouraged! However, it can be extremely useful for interfacing with C++{.interpreted-text role="idx"} or Objective C code.


{.emit: """
static int cvariable = 420;
{.push stackTrace:off.}
proc embedsC() =
  var nimVar = 89
  # access Nim symbols within an emit section outside of string literals:
  {.emit: ["""fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", cvariable + (int)""", nimVar, ");"].}


nimbase.h defines NIM_EXTERNC{.interpreted-text role="c"} C macro that can be used for extern "C"{.interpreted-text role="cpp"} code to work with both nim c{.interpreted-text role="cmd"} and nim cpp{.interpreted-text role="cmd"}, e.g.:

proc foobar() {.importc:"$1".}
{.emit: """
#include <stdio.h>
void fun(){}

::: note ::: title Note :::

For backward compatibility, if the argument to the emit statement is a single string literal, Nim symbols can be referred to via backticks. This usage is however deprecated. :::

For a top-level emit statement, the section where in the generated C/C++ file the code should be emitted can be influenced via the prefixes /*TYPESECTION*/{.interpreted-text role="c"} or /*VARSECTION*/{.interpreted-text role="c"} or /*INCLUDESECTION*/{.interpreted-text role="c"}:

{.emit: """/*TYPESECTION*/
struct Vector3 {
Vector3(): x(5) {}
Vector3(float x_): x(x_) {}
float x;
type Vector3 {.importcpp: "Vector3", nodecl} = object
  x: cfloat

proc constructVector3(a: cfloat): Vector3 {.importcpp: "Vector3(@)", nodecl}

ImportCpp pragma

Note: c2nim can parse a large subset of C++ and knows about the importcpp pragma pattern language. It is not necessary to know all the details described here.

Similar to the importc pragma for C, the importcpp pragma can be used to import C++ methods or C++ symbols in general. The generated code then uses the C++ method calling syntax: obj->method(arg){.interpreted-text role="cpp"}. In combination with the header and emit pragmas this allows sloppy interfacing with libraries written in C++:

# Horrible example of how to interface with a C++ engine ... ;-)
{.link: "/usr/lib/".}

{.emit: """
using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;

  irr = "<irrlicht/irrlicht.h>"

  IrrlichtDeviceObj {.header: irr,
                      importcpp: "IrrlichtDevice".} = object
  IrrlichtDevice = ptr IrrlichtDeviceObj

proc createDevice(): IrrlichtDevice {.
  header: irr, importcpp: "createDevice(@)".}
proc run(device: IrrlichtDevice): bool {.
  header: irr, importcpp: "".}

The compiler needs to be told to generate C++ (command cpp{.interpreted-text role="option"}) for this to work. The conditional symbol cpp is defined when the compiler emits C++ code.


The sloppy interfacing example uses .emit to produce using namespace{.interpreted-text role="cpp"} declarations. It is usually much better to instead refer to the imported name via the namespace::identifier{.interpreted-text role="cpp"} notation:

IrrlichtDeviceObj {.header: irr,
importcpp: "irr::IrrlichtDevice".} = object

Importcpp for enums

When importcpp is applied to an enum type the numerical enum values are annotated with the C++ enum type, like in this example: ((TheCppEnum)(3)){.interpreted-text role="cpp"}. (This turned out to be the simplest way to implement it.)

Importcpp for procs

Note that the importcpp variant for procs uses a somewhat cryptic pattern language for maximum flexibility:

  • A hash # symbol is replaced by the first or next argument.
  • A dot following the hash #. indicates that the call should use C++\'s dot or arrow notation.
  • An at symbol @ is replaced by the remaining arguments, separated by commas.

For example:

proc cppMethod(this: CppObj, a, b, c: cint) {.importcpp: "#.CppMethod(@)".}
var x: ptr CppObj
cppMethod(x[], 1, 2, 3)


x->CppMethod(1, 2, 3)

As a special rule to keep backward compatibility with older versions of the importcpp pragma, if there is no special pattern character (any of # ' @) at all, C++\'s dot or arrow notation is assumed, so the above example can also be written as:

proc cppMethod(this: CppObj, a, b, c: cint) {.importcpp: "CppMethod".}

Note that the pattern language naturally also covers C++\'s operator overloading capabilities:

proc vectorAddition(a, b: Vec3): Vec3 {.importcpp: "# + #".}
proc dictLookup(a: Dict, k: Key): Value {.importcpp: "#[#]".}
  • An apostrophe ' followed by an integer i in the range 0..9 is replaced by the i\'th parameter type. The 0th position is the result type. This can be used to pass types to C++ function templates. Between the ' and the digit, an asterisk can be used to get to the base type of the type. (So it \"takes away a star\" from the type; T*{.interpreted-text role="c"} becomes T.) Two stars can be used to get to the element type of the element type etc.

For example:

type Input {.importcpp: "System::Input".} = object
proc getSubsystem*[T](): ptr T {.importcpp: "SystemManager::getSubsystem<'*0>()", nodecl.}

let x: ptr Input = getSubsystem[Input]()


x = SystemManager::getSubsystem<System::Input>()
  • #@ is a special case to support a cnew operation. It is required so that the call expression is inlined directly, without going through a temporary location. This is only required to circumvent a limitation of the current code generator.

For example C++\'s new{.interpreted-text role="cpp"} operator can be \"imported\" like this:

proc cnew*[T](x: T): ptr T {.importcpp: "(new '*0#@)", nodecl.}
# constructor of 'Foo':
proc constructFoo(a, b: cint): Foo {.importcpp: "Foo(@)".}

let x = cnew constructFoo(3, 4)


x = new Foo(3, 4)

However, depending on the use case new Foo{.interpreted-text role="cpp"} can also be wrapped like this instead:

proc newFoo(a, b: cint): ptr Foo {.importcpp: "new Foo(@)".}
let x = newFoo(3, 4)

Wrapping constructors

Sometimes a C++ class has a private copy constructor and so code like Class c = Class(1,2);{.interpreted-text role="cpp"} must not be generated but instead Class c(1,2);{.interpreted-text role="cpp"}. For this purpose the Nim proc that wraps a C++ constructor needs to be annotated with the constructor pragma. This pragma also helps to generate faster C++ code since construction then doesn\'t invoke the copy constructor:

# a better constructor of 'Foo':
proc constructFoo(a, b: cint): Foo {.importcpp: "Foo(@)", constructor.}

Wrapping destructors

Since Nim generates C++ directly, any destructor is called implicitly by the C++ compiler at the scope exits. This means that often one can get away with not wrapping the destructor at all! However, when it needs to be invoked explicitly, it needs to be wrapped. The pattern language provides everything that is required:

proc destroyFoo(this: var Foo) {.importcpp: "#.~Foo()".}

Importcpp for objects

Generic importcpp\'ed objects are mapped to C++ templates. This means that one can import C++\'s templates rather easily without the need for a pattern language for object types:

  StdMap[K, V] {.importcpp: "std::map", header: "<map>".} = object
proc `[]=`[K, V](this: var StdMap[K, V]; key: K; val: V) {.
  importcpp: "#[#] = #", header: "<map>".}

var x: StdMap[cint, cdouble]
x[6] = 91.4


std::map<int, double> x;
x[6] = 91.4;
  • If more precise control is needed, the apostrophe ' can be used in the supplied pattern to denote the concrete type parameters of the generic type. See the usage of the apostrophe operator in proc patterns for more details.

      VectorIterator {.importcpp: "std::vector<'0>::iterator".} [T] = object
    var x: VectorIterator[cint]


    std::vector<int>::iterator x;

ImportJs pragma

Similar to the importcpp pragma for C++, the importjs pragma can be used to import Javascript methods or symbols in general. The generated code then uses the Javascript method calling syntax: obj.method(arg).

ImportObjC pragma

Similar to the importc pragma for C, the importobjc pragma can be used to import Objective C methods. The generated code then uses the Objective C method calling syntax: [obj method param1: arg]. In addition with the header and emit pragmas this allows sloppy interfacing with libraries written in Objective C:

# horrible example of how to interface with GNUStep ...
{.passl: "-lobjc".}
{.emit: """
#include <objc/Object.h>
@interface Greeter:Object

- (void)greet:(long)x y:(long)dummy;

#include <stdio.h>
@implementation Greeter

- (void)greet:(long)x y:(long)dummy
  printf("Hello, World!\n");

#include <stdlib.h>

  Id {.importc: "id", header: "<objc/Object.h>", final.} = distinct int

proc newGreeter: Id {.importobjc: "Greeter new", nodecl.}
proc greet(self: Id, x, y: int) {.importobjc: "greet", nodecl.}
proc free(self: Id) {.importobjc: "free", nodecl.}

var g = newGreeter()
g.greet(12, 34)

The compiler needs to be told to generate Objective C (command objc{.interpreted-text role="option"}) for this to work. The conditional symbol objc is defined when the compiler emits Objective C code.

CodegenDecl pragma

The codegenDecl pragma can be used to directly influence Nim\'s code generator. It receives a format string that determines how the variable or proc is declared in the generated code.

For variables, $1 in the format string represents the type of the variable and $2 is the name of the variable.

The following Nim code:

a {.codegenDecl: "$# progmem $#".}: int

will generate this C code:

int progmem a

For procedures, $1 is the return type of the procedure, $2 is the name of the procedure, and $3 is the parameter list.

The following nim code:

proc myinterrupt() {.codegenDecl: "__interrupt $# $#$#".} =
echo "realistic interrupt handler"

will generate this code:

__interrupt void myinterrupt()

cppNonPod pragma

The .cppNonPod pragma should be used for non-POD importcpp types so that they work properly (in particular regarding constructor and destructor) for .threadvar variables. This requires --tlsEmulation:off{.interpreted-text role="option"}.

type Foo {.cppNonPod, importcpp, header: "funs.h".} = object
x: cint
proc main()=
var a {.threadvar.}: Foo

compile-time define pragmas

The pragmas listed here can be used to optionally accept values from the -d/--define{.interpreted-text role="option"} option at compile time.

The implementation currently provides the following possible options (various others may be added later).

pragma description

intdefine Reads in a build-time define as an integer strdefine Reads in a build-time define as a string booldefine Reads in a build-time define as a bool

const FooBar {.intdefine.}: int = 5
echo FooBar
nim c -d:FooBar=42 foobar.nim

In the above example, providing the -d{.interpreted-text role="option"} flag causes the symbol FooBar to be overwritten at compile-time, printing out 42. If the -d:FooBar=42{.interpreted-text role="option"} were to be omitted, the default value of 5 would be used. To see if a value was provided, defined(FooBar) can be used.

The syntax -d:flag{.interpreted-text role="option"} is actually just a shortcut for -d:flag=true{.interpreted-text role="option"}.