
Nim comes with a built in way to build a set of ordinal types. In order for a type to be usable in a bitset, it must be an ordinal and \(high(T)<2^{16}\). For sets of non-ordinal types, see the sets module, which contains hashsets.

However, best practice is to keep bitset size significantly smaller since each possible element in the set consumes one bit, therefore a bitset of \(2^{16}\) elements will consume 65,536 bits (i.e. 8,192 bytes, or 8KiB).

Bitsets have all the useful operations of mathematical sets:

Operator Description Example Code
a in B is a an element of B? 'd' in {'a'..'z'}
a notin B is a not an element of B? 40 notin {2..20}
A + B union of A with B {'a'..'m'} + {'n'..'z'} == {'a'..'z'}
A - B relative complement of A in B {'a'..'z'} - {'b'..'d'} == {'a', 'e'..'z'}
A + {b} add element b to set A {'b'..'z'} + {'a'} == {'a'..'z'}
A - {b} remove element b from set A {'a'..'z'} - {'a'} == {'b'..'z'}
A * B intersection of A with B {'a'..'m'} * {'c'..'z'} == {'c'..'m'}
A <= B is A a subset of B? {'a'..'c'} <= {'a'..'z'}
A < B is A a strict subset of B? {'b'..'c'} < {'a'..'z'}