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Nim’s json module allows you to work with JSON data.

Converting Data Into JSON

The json module provides the %* operator which is used to create JSON objects. Note the use of the $ operator to convert the JsonObject to its string representation.

import json

let element = "Hydrogen"
let atomicNumber = 1

let jsonObject = %* {"element": element, "atomicNumber": atomicNumber}
# This will print {"element":"Hydrogen", "atomicNumber": 1}
echo $jsonObject

Parsing and accessing JSON

import json

# We start with a string representation of a JSON object
let jsonObject = """{"name": "Sky", "age": 32}"""
let jsonArray = """[7, 8, 9]"""

let parsedObject = parseJson(jsonObject)
let name = parsedObject["name"].getStr()
# This will print Sky
echo name

let parsedArray = parseJson(jsonArray)
let eight = parsedArray[1].getInt()
# This will print 8
echo eight

The parseJson method takes in a string representing a JSON object or array and transforms it into a JsonNode. We can access the fields of a JsonNode object using the [] syntax.

The procs getInt, getFloat, getStr and getBool are used for converting JsonNode’s into Nim data types.

Parsing JSON into a Nim Object

In some cases you may want to convert from a JSON string directly to an object.

import json

# First we'll define our types
  Element = object
    name: string
    atomicNumber: int

# Let's say this is the JSON we want to convert
let jsonObject = parseJson("""{"name": "Carbon", "atomicNumber": 6}""")

let element = to(jsonObject, Element)
# This will print Carbon
# This will print 6
echo element.atomicNumber

See the json module documentation for more information.