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What most programming languages call methods{.interpreted-text role="idx"} or functions are called procedures in Nim. A procedure declaration consists of an identifier, zero or more formal parameters, a return value type and a block of code. Formal parameters are declared as a list of identifiers separated by either comma or semicolon. A parameter is given a type by : typename. The type applies to all parameters immediately before it, until either the beginning of the parameter list, a semicolon separator, or an already typed parameter, is reached. The semicolon can be used to make separation of types and subsequent identifiers more distinct.

# Using only commas
proc foo(a, b: int, c, d: bool): int
# Using semicolon for visual distinction
proc foo(a, b: int; c, d: bool): int

# Will fail: a is untyped since ';' stops type propagation.
proc foo(a; b: int; c, d: bool): int

A parameter may be declared with a default value which is used if the caller does not provide a value for the argument. The value will be reevaluated every time the function is called.

# b is optional with 47 as its default value
proc foo(a: int, b: int = 47): int

Parameters can be declared mutable and so allow the proc to modify those arguments, by using the type modifier var.

# "returning" a value to the caller through the 2nd argument
# Notice that the function uses no actual return value at all (ie void)
proc foo(inp: int, outp: var int) =
outp = inp + 47

If the proc declaration has no body, it is a forward{.interpreted-text role="idx"} declaration. If the proc returns a value, the procedure body can access an implicitly declared variable named result that represents the return value. Procs can be overloaded. The overloading resolution algorithm determines which proc is the best match for the arguments. Example:

proc toLower(c: char): char = # toLower for characters
  if c in {'A'..'Z'}:
    result = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A')))
    result = c

proc toLower(s: string): string = # toLower for strings
  result = newString(len(s))
  for i in 0..len(s) - 1:
    result[i] = toLower(s[i]) # calls toLower for characters; no recursion!

Calling a procedure can be done in many different ways:

proc callme(x, y: int, s: string = "", c: char, b: bool = false) = ...
# call with positional arguments      # parameter bindings:
callme(0, 1, "abc", '\t', true)       # (x=0, y=1, s="abc", c='\t', b=true)
# call with named and positional arguments:
callme(y=1, x=0, "abd", '\t')         # (x=0, y=1, s="abd", c='\t', b=false)
# call with named arguments (order is not relevant):
callme(c='\t', y=1, x=0)              # (x=0, y=1, s="", c='\t', b=false)
# call as a command statement: no () needed:
callme 0, 1, "abc", '\t'              # (x=0, y=1, s="abc", c='\t', b=false)

A procedure may call itself recursively.

Operators are procedures with a special operator symbol as identifier:

proc `$` (x: int): string =
# converts an integer to a string; this is a prefix operator.
result = intToStr(x)

Operators with one parameter are prefix operators, operators with two parameters are infix operators. (However, the parser distinguishes these from the operator\'s position within an expression.) There is no way to declare postfix operators: all postfix operators are built-in and handled by the grammar explicitly.

Any operator can be called like an ordinary proc with the `opr` notation. (Thus an operator can have more than two parameters):

proc `*+` (a, b, c: int): int =
# Multiply and add
result = a * b + c
assert `*+`(3, 4, 6) == `+`(`*`(a, b), c)

Export marker

If a declared symbol is marked with an asterisk{.interpreted-text role="idx"} it is exported from the current module:

proc exportedEcho*(s: string) = echo s
proc `*`*(a: string; b: int): string =
  result = newStringOfCap(a.len * b)
  for i in 1..b: result.add a

var exportedVar*: int
const exportedConst* = 78
  ExportedType* = object
    exportedField*: int

Method call syntax

For object-oriented programming, the syntax obj.methodName(args) can be used instead of methodName(obj, args). The parentheses can be omitted if there are no remaining arguments: obj.len (instead of len(obj)).

This method call syntax is not restricted to objects, it can be used to supply any type of first argument for procedures:

echo "abc".len # is the same as echo len "abc"
echo "abc".toUpper()
echo {'a', 'b', 'c'}.card
stdout.writeLine("Hallo") # the same as writeLine(stdout, "Hallo")

Another way to look at the method call syntax is that it provides the missing postfix notation.

The method call syntax conflicts with explicit generic instantiations: p[T](x) cannot be written as x.p[T] because x.p[T] is always parsed as (x.p)[T].

See also: Limitations of the method call syntax.

The [: ] notation has been designed to mitigate this issue: x.p[:T] is rewritten by the parser to p[T](x), x.p[:T](y) is rewritten to p[T](x, y). Note that [: ] has no AST representation, the rewrite is performed directly in the parsing step.


Nim has no need for get-properties: Ordinary get-procedures that are called with the method call syntax achieve the same. But setting a value is different; for this, a special setter syntax is needed:

# Module asocket
Socket* = ref object of RootObj
host: int # cannot be accessed from the outside of the module
proc `host=`*(s: var Socket, value: int) {.inline.} =
  ## setter of hostAddr.
  ## This accesses the 'host' field and is not a recursive call to
  ## `host=` because the builtin dot access is preferred if it is
  ## available: = value

proc host*(s: Socket): int {.inline.} =
  ## getter of hostAddr
  ## This accesses the 'host' field and is not a recursive call to
  ## `host` because the builtin dot access is preferred if it is
  ## available:
# module B
import asocket
var s: Socket
new s = 34  # same as `host=`(s, 34)

A proc defined as f= (with the trailing =) is called a setter. A setter can be called explicitly via the common backticks notation:

proc `f=`(x: MyObject; value: string) =

`f=`(myObject, "value")

f= can be called implicitly in the pattern x.f = value if and only if the type of x does not have a field named f or if f is not visible in the current module. These rules ensure that object fields and accessors can have the same name. Within the module x.f is then always interpreted as field access and outside the module it is interpreted as an accessor proc call.

Command invocation syntax

Routines can be invoked without the () if the call is syntactically a statement. This command invocation syntax also works for expressions, but then only a single argument may follow. This restriction means echo f 1, f 2 is parsed as echo(f(1), f(2)) and not as echo(f(1, f(2))). The method call syntax may be used to provide one more argument in this case:

proc optarg(x: int, y: int = 0): int = x + y
proc singlearg(x: int): int = 20*x
echo optarg 1, " ", singlearg 2  # prints "1 40"

let fail = optarg 1, optarg 8   # Wrong. Too many arguments for a command call
let x = optarg(1, optarg 8)  # traditional procedure call with 2 arguments
let y = 1.optarg optarg 8    # same thing as above, w/o the parenthesis
assert x == y

The command invocation syntax also can\'t have complex expressions as arguments. For example: (anonymous procs), if, case or try. Function calls with no arguments still need () to distinguish between a call and the function itself as a first-class value.


Procedures can appear at the top level in a module as well as inside other scopes, in which case they are called nested procs. A nested proc can access local variables from its enclosing scope and if it does so it becomes a closure. Any captured variables are stored in a hidden additional argument to the closure (its environment) and they are accessed by reference by both the closure and its enclosing scope (i.e. any modifications made to them are visible in both places). The closure environment may be allocated on the heap or on the stack if the compiler determines that this would be safe.

Creating closures in loops

Since closures capture local variables by reference it is often not wanted behavior inside loop bodies. See closureScope and capture for details on how to change this behavior.

Anonymous Procs

Unnamed procedures can be used as lambda expressions to pass into other procedures:

var cities = @["Frankfurt", "Tokyo", "New York", "Kyiv"]
cities.sort(proc (x,y: string): int =
    cmp(x.len, y.len))

Procs as expressions can appear both as nested procs and inside top-level executable code. The sugar module contains the => macro which enables a more succinct syntax for anonymous procedures resembling lambdas as they are in languages like JavaScript, C#, etc.


The func keyword introduces a shortcut for a noSideEffect proc.

func binarySearch[T](a: openArray[T]; elem: T): int

Is short for:

proc binarySearch[T](a: openArray[T]; elem: T): int {.noSideEffect.}


A routine is a symbol of kind: proc, func, method, iterator, macro, template, converter.

Type bound operators

A type bound operator is a proc or func whose name starts with = but isn\'t an operator (i.e. containing only symbols, such as ==). These are unrelated to setters (see properties), which instead end in =. A type bound operator declared for a type applies to the type regardless of whether the operator is in scope (including if it is private).

# foo.nim:
var witness* = 0
type Foo[T] = object
proc initFoo*(T: typedesc): Foo[T] = discard
proc `=destroy`[T](x: var Foo[T]) = # type bound operator
# main.nim:
import foo
  var a = initFoo(int)
  doAssert witness == 0
doAssert witness == 1
  var a = initFoo(int)
  doAssert witness == 1
  `=destroy`(a) # can be called explicitly, even without being in scope
  doAssert witness == 2
# will still be called upon exiting scope
doAssert witness == 3

Type bound operators are: =destroy, =copy, =sink, =trace, =deepcopy.

For more details on some of those procs, see Lifetime-tracking hooks.

Nonoverloadable builtins

The following built-in procs cannot be overloaded for reasons of implementation simplicity (they require specialized semantic checking):

declared, defined, definedInScope, compiles, sizeof,
is, shallowCopy, getAst, astToStr, spawn, procCall

Thus they act more like keywords than like ordinary identifiers; unlike a keyword however, a redefinition may shadow{.interpreted-text role="idx"} the definition in the system module. From this list the following should not be written in dot notation x.f since x cannot be type-checked before it gets passed to `f`:

declared, defined, definedInScope, compiles, getAst, astToStr

Var parameters

The type of a parameter may be prefixed with the var keyword:

proc divmod(a, b: int; res, remainder: var int) =
res = a div b
remainder = a mod b
  x, y: int

divmod(8, 5, x, y) # modifies x and y
assert x == 1
assert y == 3

In the example, res and remainder are var parameters. Var parameters can be modified by the procedure and the changes are visible to the caller. The argument passed to a var parameter has to be an l-value. Var parameters are implemented as hidden pointers. The above example is equivalent to:

proc divmod(a, b: int; res, remainder: ptr int) =
res[] = a div b
remainder[] = a mod b
  x, y: int
divmod(8, 5, addr(x), addr(y))
assert x == 1
assert y == 3

In the examples, var parameters or pointers are used to provide two return values. This can be done in a cleaner way by returning a tuple:

proc divmod(a, b: int): tuple[res, remainder: int] =
(a div b, a mod b)
var t = divmod(8, 5)

assert t.res == 1
assert t.remainder == 3

One can use tuple unpacking to access the tuple\'s fields:

var (x, y) = divmod(8, 5) # tuple unpacking
assert x == 1
assert y == 3

Note: var parameters are never necessary for efficient parameter passing. Since non-var parameters cannot be modified the compiler is always free to pass arguments by reference if it considers it can speed up execution.

Var return type

A proc, converter, or iterator may return a var type which means that the returned value is an l-value and can be modified by the caller:

var g = 0
proc writeAccessToG(): var int =
  result = g

writeAccessToG() = 6
assert g == 6

It is a static error if the implicitly introduced pointer could be used to access a location beyond its lifetime:

proc writeAccessToG(): var int =
var g = 0
result = g # Error!

For iterators, a component of a tuple return type can have a var type too:

iterator mpairs(a: var seq[string]): tuple[key: int, val: var string] =
for i in 0..a.high:
yield (i, a[i])

In the standard library every name of a routine that returns a var type starts with the prefix m per convention.

Future directions

Later versions of Nim can be more precise about the borrowing rule with a syntax like:

proc foo(other: Y; container: var X): var T from container

Here var T from container explicitly exposes that the location is derived from the second parameter (called \'container\' in this case). The syntax var T from p specifies a type varTy[T, 2] which is incompatible with varTy[T, 1].


Note: This section describes the current implementation. This part of the language specification will be changed. See for more information.

The return value is represented inside the body of a routine as the special result variable. This allows for a mechanism much like C++\'s \"named return value optimization\" (NRVO). NRVO means that the stores to result inside p directly affect the destination dest in let/var dest = p(args) (definition of dest) and also in dest = p(args) (assignment to dest). This is achieved by rewriting dest = p(args) to p'(args, dest) where p' is a variation of p that returns void and receives a hidden mutable parameter representing result.


proc p(): BigT = ...
var x = p()
x = p()

# is roughly turned into:

proc p(result: var BigT) = ...

var x; p(x)

Let T\'s be p\'s return type. NRVO applies for T if sizeof(T) >= N (where N is implementation dependent), in other words, it applies for \"big\" structures.

If p can raise an exception, NRVO applies regardless. This can produce observable differences in behavior:

  BigT = array[16, int]

proc p(raiseAt: int): BigT =
  for i in 0..high(result):
    if i == raiseAt: raise newException(ValueError, "interception")
    result[i] = i

proc main =
  var x: BigT
    x = p(8)
  except ValueError:
    doAssert x == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]


However, the current implementation produces a warning in these cases. There are different ways to deal with this warning:

  1. Disable the warning via {.push warning[ObservableStores]: off.} ... {.pop.}. Then one may need to ensure that p only raises before any stores to result happen.
  2. One can use a temporary helper variable, for example instead of x = p(8) use let tmp = p(8); x = tmp.

Overloading of the subscript operator

The [] subscript operator for arrays/openarrays/sequences can be overloaded.