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All expressions have a type that is known during semantic analysis. Nim is statically typed. One can declare new types, which is in essence defining an identifier that can be used to denote this custom type.

These are the major type classes:

  • ordinal types (consist of integer, bool, character, enumeration (and subranges thereof) types)
  • floating-point types
  • string type
  • structured types
  • reference (pointer) type
  • procedural type
  • generic type

Ordinal types

Ordinal types have the following characteristics:

  • Ordinal types are countable and ordered. This property allows the operation of functions such as inc, ord, and dec on ordinal types to be defined.
  • Ordinal types have a smallest possible value, accessible with low(type). Trying to count further down than the smallest value produces a panic or a static error.
  • Ordinal types have a largest possible value, accessible with high(type). Trying to count further up than the largest value produces a panic or a static error.

Integers, bool, characters, and enumeration types (and subranges of these types) belong to ordinal types.

A distinct type is an ordinal type if its base type is an ordinal type.

Pre-defined integer types

These integer types are pre-defined:


: the generic signed integer type; its size is platform-dependent and has the same size as a pointer. This type should be used in general. An integer literal that has no type suffix is of this type if it is in the range low(int32)..high(int32) otherwise the literal\'s type is int64.


: additional signed integer types of XX bits use this naming scheme (example: int16 is a 16-bit wide integer). The current implementation supports int8, int16, int32, int64. Literals of these types have the suffix \'iXX.


: the generic unsigned integer type; its size is platform-dependent and has the same size as a pointer. An integer literal with the type suffix 'u is of this type.


: additional unsigned integer types of XX bits use this naming scheme (example: uint16 is a 16-bit wide unsigned integer). The current implementation supports uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64. Literals of these types have the suffix \'uXX. Unsigned operations all wrap around; they cannot lead to over- or underflow errors.

In addition to the usual arithmetic operators for signed and unsigned integers (+ - * etc.) there are also operators that formally work on signed integers but treat their arguments as unsigned: They are mostly provided for backwards compatibility with older versions of the language that lacked unsigned integer types. These unsigned operations for signed integers use the % suffix as convention:

operation meaning

a +% b unsigned integer addition a -% b unsigned integer subtraction a *% b unsigned integer multiplication a /% b unsigned integer division a %% b unsigned integer modulo operation a <% b treat a and b as unsigned and compare a <=% b treat a and b as unsigned and compare ze(a) extends the bits of a with zeros until it has the width of the int type toU8(a) treats a as unsigned and converts it to an unsigned integer of 8 bits (but still the int8 type) toU16(a) treats a as unsigned and converts it to an unsigned integer of 16 bits (but still the int16 type) toU32(a) treats a as unsigned and converts it to an unsigned integer of 32 bits (but still the int32 type)

Automatic type conversion is performed in expressions where different kinds of integer types are used: the smaller type is converted to the larger.

A narrowing type conversion converts a larger to a smaller type (for example int32 -> int16). A widening type conversion converts a smaller type to a larger type (for example int16 -> int32). In Nim only widening type conversions are implicit:

var myInt16 = 5i16
var myInt: int
myInt16 + 34     # of type `int16`
myInt16 + myInt  # of type `int`
myInt16 + 2i32   # of type `int32`

However, int literals are implicitly convertible to a smaller integer type if the literal\'s value fits this smaller type and such a conversion is less expensive than other implicit conversions, so myInt16 + 34 produces an int16 result.

For further details, see Convertible relation.

Subrange types

A subrange type is a range of values from an ordinal or floating-point type (the base type). To define a subrange type, one must specify its limiting values -- the lowest and highest value of the type. For example:

Subrange = range[0..5]
PositiveFloat = range[0.0..Inf]
Positive* = range[1..high(int)] # as defined in `system`

Subrange is a subrange of an integer which can only hold the values 0 to 5. PositiveFloat defines a subrange of all positive floating-point values. NaN does not belong to any subrange of floating-point types. Assigning any other value to a variable of type Subrange is a panic (or a static error if it can be determined during semantic analysis). Assignments from the base type to one of its subrange types (and vice versa) are allowed.

A subrange type has the same size as its base type (int in the Subrange example).

Pre-defined floating-point types

The following floating-point types are pre-defined:


: the generic floating-point type; its size used to be platform-dependent, but now it is always mapped to float64. This type should be used in general.


: an implementation may define additional floating-point types of XX bits using this naming scheme (example: float64 is a 64-bit wide float). The current implementation supports float32 and float64. Literals of these types have the suffix \'fXX.

Automatic type conversion in expressions with different kinds of floating-point types is performed: See Convertible relation for further details. Arithmetic performed on floating-point types follows the IEEE standard. Integer types are not converted to floating-point types automatically and vice versa.

The IEEE standard defines five types of floating-point exceptions:

  • Invalid: operations with mathematically invalid operands, for example 0.0/0.0, sqrt(-1.0), and log(-37.8).
  • Division by zero: divisor is zero and dividend is a finite nonzero number, for example 1.0/0.0.
  • Overflow: operation produces a result that exceeds the range of the exponent, for example MAXDOUBLE+0.0000000000001e308.
  • Underflow: operation produces a result that is too small to be represented as a normal number, for example, MINDOUBLE * MINDOUBLE.
  • Inexact: operation produces a result that cannot be represented with infinite precision, for example, 2.0 / 3.0, log(1.1) and 0.1 in input.

The IEEE exceptions are either ignored during execution or mapped to the Nim exceptions: FloatInvalidOpDefect, FloatDivByZeroDefect, FloatOverflowDefect, FloatUnderflowDefect, and FloatInexactDefect. These exceptions inherit from the FloatingPointDefect base class.

Nim provides the pragmas nanChecks and infChecks to control whether the IEEE exceptions are ignored or trap a Nim exception:

{.nanChecks: on, infChecks: on.}
var a = 1.0
var b = 0.0
echo b / b # raises FloatInvalidOpDefect
echo a / b # raises FloatOverflowDefect

In the current implementation FloatDivByZeroDefect and FloatInexactDefect are never raised. FloatOverflowDefect is raised instead of FloatDivByZeroDefect. There is also a floatChecks pragma that is a short-cut for the combination of nanChecks and infChecks pragmas. floatChecks are turned off as default.

The only operations that are affected by the floatChecks pragma are the +, -, *, / operators for floating-point types.

An implementation should always use the maximum precision available to evaluate floating-point values during semantic analysis; this means expressions like 0.09'f32 + 0.01'f32 == 0.09'f64 + 0.01'f64 that are evaluating during constant folding are true.

Boolean type

The boolean type is named bool in Nim and can be one of the two pre-defined values true and false. Conditions in while, if, elif, when-statements need to be of type bool.

This condition holds:

ord(false) == 0 and ord(true) == 1

The operators not, and, or, xor, <, <=, >, >=, !=, == are defined for the bool type. The and and or operators perform short-cut evaluation. Example:

while p != nil and != "xyz":
  # is not evaluated if p == nil
  p =

The size of the bool type is one byte.

Character type

The character type is named char in Nim. Its size is one byte. Thus it cannot represent a UTF-8 character, but a part of it.

The Rune type is used for Unicode characters, it can represent any Unicode character. Rune is declared in the unicode module.

Enumeration types

Enumeration types define a new type whose values consist of the ones specified. The values are ordered. Example:

  Direction = enum
    north, east, south, west

Now the following holds:

ord(north) == 0
ord(east) == 1
ord(south) == 2
ord(west) == 3

# Also allowed:
ord(Direction.west) == 3

The implied order is: north \< east \< south \< west. The comparison operators can be used with enumeration types. Instead of north etc, the enum value can also be qualified with the enum type that it resides in, Direction.north.

For better interfacing to other programming languages, the fields of enum types can be assigned an explicit ordinal value. However, the ordinal values have to be in ascending order. A field whose ordinal value is not explicitly given is assigned the value of the previous field + 1.

An explicit ordered enum can have holes:

TokenType = enum
a = 2, b = 4, c = 89 # holes are valid

However, it is then not ordinal anymore, so it is impossible to use these enums as an index type for arrays. The procedures inc, dec, succ and pred are not available for them either.

The compiler supports the built-in stringify operator $ for enumerations. The stringify\'s result can be controlled by explicitly giving the string values to use:

  MyEnum = enum
    valueA = (0, "my value A"),
    valueB = "value B",
    valueC = 2,
    valueD = (3, "abc")

As can be seen from the example, it is possible to both specify a field\'s ordinal value and its string value by using a tuple. It is also possible to only specify one of them.

An enum can be marked with the pure pragma so that its fields are added to a special module-specific hidden scope that is only queried as the last attempt. Only non-ambiguous symbols are added to this scope. But one can always access these via type qualification written as `MyEnum.value`:

  MyEnum {.pure.} = enum
    valueA, valueB, valueC, valueD, amb

  OtherEnum {.pure.} = enum
    valueX, valueY, valueZ, amb

echo valueA # MyEnum.valueA
echo amb    # Error: Unclear whether it's MyEnum.amb or OtherEnum.amb
echo MyEnum.amb # OK.

To implement bit fields with enums see Bit fields

Overloadable enum field names

To be enabled via {.experimental: "overloadableEnums".}.

Enum field names are overloadable much like routines. When an overloaded enum field is used, it produces a closed sym choice construct, here written as (E|E). During overload resolution the right E is picked, if possible. For (array/object...) constructors the right E is picked, comparable to how [byte(1), 2, 3] works, one needs to use [T.E, E2, E3]. Ambiguous enum fields produce a static error:

{.experimental: "overloadableEnums".}

  E1 = enum
  E2 = enum
    value2 = 4

  Lookuptable = [
    E1.value1: "1",
    value2: "2"

proc p(e: E1) =
  # disambiguation in 'case' statements:
  case e
  of value1: echo "A"
  of value2: echo "B"

p value2

String type

All string literals are of the type string. A string in Nim is very similar to a sequence of characters. However, strings in Nim are both zero-terminated and have a length field. One can retrieve the length with the builtin len procedure; the length never counts the terminating zero.

The terminating zero cannot be accessed unless the string is converted to the cstring type first. The terminating zero assures that this conversion can be done in O(1) and without any allocations.

The assignment operator for strings always copies the string. The & operator concatenates strings.

Most native Nim types support conversion to strings with the special $ proc. When calling the echo proc, for example, the built-in stringify operation for the parameter is called:

echo 3 # calls `$` for `int`

Whenever a user creates a specialized object, implementation of this procedure provides for string representation.

Person = object
name: string
age: int
proc `$`(p: Person): string = # `$` always returns a string
  result = & " is " &
          $p.age & # we *need* the `$` in front of p.age which
                   # is natively an integer to convert it to
                   # a string
          " years old."

While $ can also be used, the $ operation on a string does nothing. Note that we cannot rely on automatic conversion from an int to a string like we can for the echo proc.

Strings are compared by their lexicographical order. All comparison operators are available. Strings can be indexed like arrays (lower bound is 0). Unlike arrays, they can be used in case statements:

case paramStr(i)
of "-v": incl(options, optVerbose)
of "-h", "-?": incl(options, optHelp)
else: write(stdout, "invalid command line option!\n")

Per convention, all strings are UTF-8 strings, but this is not enforced. For example, when reading strings from binary files, they are merely a sequence of bytes. The index operation s[i] means the i-th char of s, not the i-th unichar. The iterator runes from the unicode module can be used for iteration over all Unicode characters.

cstring type

The cstring type meaning compatible string is the native representation of a string for the compilation backend. For the C backend the cstring type represents a pointer to a zero-terminated char array compatible with the type char* in Ansi C. Its primary purpose lies in easy interfacing with C. The index operation s[i] means the i-th char of s; however no bounds checking for cstring is performed making the index operation unsafe.

A Nim string is implicitly convertible to cstring for convenience. If a Nim string is passed to a C-style variadic proc, it is implicitly converted to cstring too:

proc printf(formatstr: cstring) {.importc: "printf", varargs,
header: "<stdio.h>".}
printf("This works %s", "as expected")

Even though the conversion is implicit, it is not safe: The garbage collector does not consider a cstring to be a root and may collect the underlying memory. For this reason, the implicit conversion will be removed in future releases of the Nim compiler. Certain idioms like conversion of a const string to cstring are safe and will remain to be allowed.

A $ proc is defined for cstrings that returns a string. Thus to get a nim string from a cstring:

var str: string = "Hello!"
var cstr: cstring = str
var newstr: string = $cstr

cstring literals shouldn\'t be modified.

var x = cstring"literals"
x[1] = 'A' # This is wrong!!!

If the cstring originates from a regular memory (not read-only memory), it can be modified:

var x = "123456"
var s: cstring = x
s[0] = 'u' # This is ok

Structured types

A variable of a structured type can hold multiple values at the same time. Structured types can be nested to unlimited levels. Arrays, sequences, tuples, objects, and sets belong to the structured types.

Array and sequence types

Arrays are a homogeneous type, meaning that each element in the array has the same type. Arrays always have a fixed length specified as a constant expression (except for open arrays). They can be indexed by any ordinal type. A parameter A may be an open array, in which case it is indexed by integers from 0 to len(A)-1. An array expression may be constructed by the array constructor []. The element type of this array expression is inferred from the type of the first element. All other elements need to be implicitly convertible to this type.

An array type can be defined using the array[size, T] syntax, or using array[lo..hi, T] for arrays that start at an index other than zero.

Sequences are similar to arrays but of dynamic length which may change during runtime (like strings). Sequences are implemented as growable arrays, allocating pieces of memory as items are added. A sequence S is always indexed by integers from 0 to len(S)-1 and its bounds are checked. Sequences can be constructed by the array constructor [] in conjunction with the array to sequence operator @. Another way to allocate space for a sequence is to call the built-in newSeq procedure.

A sequence may be passed to a parameter that is of type open array.


  IntArray = array[0..5, int] # an array that is indexed with 0..5
  IntSeq = seq[int] # a sequence of integers
  x: IntArray
  y: IntSeq
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]  # [] is the array constructor
y = @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # the @ turns the array into a sequence

let z = [1.0, 2, 3, 4] # the type of z is array[0..3, float]

The lower bound of an array or sequence may be received by the built-in proc low(), the higher bound by high(). The length may be received by len(). low() for a sequence or an open array always returns 0, as this is the first valid index. One can append elements to a sequence with the add() proc or the & operator, and remove (and get) the last element of a sequence with the pop() proc.

The notation x[i] can be used to access the i-th element of x.

Arrays are always bounds checked (statically or at runtime). These checks can be disabled via pragmas or invoking the compiler with the --boundChecks:off{.interpreted-text role="option"} command-line switch.

An array constructor can have explicit indexes for readability:

  Values = enum
    valA, valB, valC

  lookupTable = [
    valA: "A",
    valB: "B",
    valC: "C"

If an index is left out, succ(lastIndex) is used as the index value:

  Values = enum
    valA, valB, valC, valD, valE

  lookupTable = [
    valA: "A",
    valC: "C",
    "D", "e"

Open arrays

Often fixed size arrays turn out to be too inflexible; procedures should be able to deal with arrays of different sizes. The openarray type allows this; it can only be used for parameters. Openarrays are always indexed with an int starting at position 0. The len, low and high operations are available for open arrays too. Any array with a compatible base type can be passed to an openarray parameter, the index type does not matter. In addition to arrays, sequences can also be passed to an open array parameter.

The openarray type cannot be nested: multidimensional openarrays are not supported because this is seldom needed and cannot be done efficiently.

proc testOpenArray(x: openArray[int]) = echo repr(x)
testOpenArray([1,2,3])  # array[]
testOpenArray(@[1,2,3]) # seq[]


A varargs parameter is an openarray parameter that additionally allows to pass a variable number of arguments to a procedure. The compiler converts the list of arguments to an array implicitly:

proc myWriteln(f: File, a: varargs[string]) =
for s in items(a):
write(f, s)
write(f, "\n")
myWriteln(stdout, "abc", "def", "xyz")
# is transformed to:
myWriteln(stdout, ["abc", "def", "xyz"])

This transformation is only done if the varargs parameter is the last parameter in the procedure header. It is also possible to perform type conversions in this context:

proc myWriteln(f: File, a: varargs[string, `$`]) =
for s in items(a):
write(f, s)
write(f, "\n")
myWriteln(stdout, 123, "abc", 4.0)
# is transformed to:
myWriteln(stdout, [$123, $"abc", $4.0])

In this example $ is applied to any argument that is passed to the parameter a. (Note that $ applied to strings is a nop.)

Note that an explicit array constructor passed to a varargs parameter is not wrapped in another implicit array construction:

proc takeV[T](a: varargs[T]) = discard
takeV([123, 2, 1]) # takeV's T is "int", not "array of int"

varargs[typed] is treated specially: It matches a variable list of arguments of arbitrary type but always constructs an implicit array. This is required so that the builtin echo proc does what is expected:

proc echo*(x: varargs[typed, `$`]) {...}
echo @[1, 2, 3]
# prints "@[1, 2, 3]" and not "123"

Unchecked arrays

The UncheckedArray[T] type is a special kind of array where its bounds are not checked. This is often useful to implement customized flexibly sized arrays. Additionally, an unchecked array is translated into a C array of undetermined size:

MySeq = object
len, cap: int
data: UncheckedArray[int]

Produces roughly this C code:

typedef struct {
NI len;
NI cap;
NI data[];
} MySeq;

The base type of the unchecked array may not contain any GC\'ed memory but this is currently not checked.

Future directions: GC\'ed memory should be allowed in unchecked arrays and there should be an explicit annotation of how the GC is to determine the runtime size of the array.

Tuples and object types

A variable of a tuple or object type is a heterogeneous storage container. A tuple or object defines various named fields of a type. A tuple also defines a lexicographic order of the fields. Tuples are meant to be heterogeneous storage types with few abstractions. The () syntax can be used to construct tuples. The order of the fields in the constructor must match the order of the tuple\'s definition. Different tuple-types are equivalent if they specify the same fields of the same type in the same order. The names of the fields also have to be the same.

The assignment operator for tuples copies each component. The default assignment operator for objects copies each component. Overloading of the assignment operator is described here.

  Person = tuple[name: string, age: int] # type representing a person:
                                         # it consists of a name and an age.
var person: Person
person = (name: "Peter", age: 30)
assert == "Peter"
# the same, but less readable:
person = ("Peter", 30)
assert person[0] == "Peter"
assert Person is (string, int)
assert (string, int) is Person
assert Person isnot tuple[other: string, age: int] # `other` is a different identifier

A tuple with one unnamed field can be constructed with the parentheses and a trailing comma:

proc echoUnaryTuple(a: (int,)) =
echo a[0]
echoUnaryTuple (1,)

In fact, a trailing comma is allowed for every tuple construction.

The implementation aligns the fields for the best access performance. The alignment is compatible with the way the C compiler does it.

For consistency with object declarations, tuples in a type section can also be defined with indentation instead of `[]`:

Person = tuple   # type representing a person
name: string   # a person consists of a name
age: Natural   # and an age

Objects provide many features that tuples do not. Objects provide inheritance and the ability to hide fields from other modules. Objects with inheritance enabled have information about their type at runtime so that the of operator can be used to determine the object\'s type. The of operator is similar to the instanceof operator in Java.

Person = object of RootObj
name*: string   # the * means that `name` is accessible from other modules
age: int        # no * means that the field is hidden
Student = ref object of Person # a student is a person
  id: int                      # with an id field

student: Student
person: Person
assert(student of Student) # is true
assert(student of Person) # also true

Object fields that should be visible from outside the defining module have to be marked by *. In contrast to tuples, different object types are never equivalent, they are nominal types whereas tuples are structural. Objects that have no ancestor are implicitly final and thus have no hidden type information. One can use the inheritable pragma to introduce new object roots apart from system.RootObj.

Person = object # example of a final object
name*: string
age: int
Student = ref object of Person # Error: inheritance only works with non-final objects
  id: int

Object construction

Objects can also be created with an object construction expression that has the syntax T(fieldA: valueA, fieldB: valueB, ...) where T is an object type or a ref object type:

Student = object
name: string
age: int
PStudent = ref Student
var a1 = Student(name: "Anton", age: 5)
var a2 = PStudent(name: "Anton", age: 5)
# this also works directly:
var a3 = (ref Student)(name: "Anton", age: 5)
# not all fields need to be mentioned, and they can be mentioned out of order:
var a4 = Student(age: 5)

Note that, unlike tuples, objects require the field names along with their values. For a ref object type is invoked implicitly.

Object variants

Often an object hierarchy is an overkill in certain situations where simple variant types are needed. Object variants are tagged unions discriminated via an enumerated type used for runtime type flexibility, mirroring the concepts of sum types and algebraic data types (ADTs) as found in other languages.

An example:

# This is an example of how an abstract syntax tree could be modelled in Nim
  NodeKind = enum  # the different node types
    nkInt,          # a leaf with an integer value
    nkFloat,        # a leaf with a float value
    nkString,       # a leaf with a string value
    nkAdd,          # an addition
    nkSub,          # a subtraction
    nkIf            # an if statement
  Node = ref NodeObj
  NodeObj = object
    case kind: NodeKind  # the `kind` field is the discriminator
    of nkInt: intVal: int
    of nkFloat: floatVal: float
    of nkString: strVal: string
    of nkAdd, nkSub:
      leftOp, rightOp: Node
    of nkIf:
      condition, thenPart, elsePart: Node

# create a new case object:
var n = Node(kind: nkIf, condition: nil)
# accessing n.thenPart is valid because the `nkIf` branch is active:
n.thenPart = Node(kind: nkFloat, floatVal: 2.0)

# the following statement raises an `FieldDefect` exception, because
# n.kind's value does not fit and the `nkString` branch is not active:
n.strVal = ""

# invalid: would change the active object branch:
n.kind = nkInt

var x = Node(kind: nkAdd, leftOp: Node(kind: nkInt, intVal: 4),
                          rightOp: Node(kind: nkInt, intVal: 2))
# valid: does not change the active object branch:
x.kind = nkSub

As can be seen from the example, an advantage to an object hierarchy is that no casting between different object types is needed. Yet, access to invalid object fields raises an exception.

The syntax of case in an object declaration follows closely the syntax of the case statement: The branches in a case section may be indented too.

In the example, the kind field is called the discriminator: For safety, its address cannot be taken and assignments to it are restricted: The new value must not lead to a change of the active object branch. Also, when the fields of a particular branch are specified during object construction, the corresponding discriminator value must be specified as a constant expression.

Instead of changing the active object branch, replace the old object in memory with a new one completely:

var x = Node(kind: nkAdd, leftOp: Node(kind: nkInt, intVal: 4),
                          rightOp: Node(kind: nkInt, intVal: 2))
# change the node's contents:
x[] = NodeObj(kind: nkString, strVal: "abc")

Starting with version 0.20 system.reset cannot be used anymore to support object branch changes as this never was completely memory safe.

As a special rule, the discriminator kind can also be bounded using a case statement. If possible values of the discriminator variable in a case statement branch are a subset of discriminator values for the selected object branch, the initialization is considered valid. This analysis only works for immutable discriminators of an ordinal type and disregards elif branches. For discriminator values with a range type, the compiler checks if the entire range of possible values for the discriminator value is valid for the chosen object branch.

A small example:

let unknownKind = nkSub

# invalid: unsafe initialization because the kind field is not statically known:
var y = Node(kind: unknownKind, strVal: "y")

var z = Node()
case unknownKind
of nkAdd, nkSub:
  # valid: possible values of this branch are a subset of nkAdd/nkSub object branch:
  z = Node(kind: unknownKind, leftOp: Node(), rightOp: Node())
  echo "ignoring: ", unknownKind

# also valid, since unknownKindBounded can only contain the values nkAdd or nkSub
let unknownKindBounded = range[nkAdd..nkSub](unknownKind)
z = Node(kind: unknownKindBounded, leftOp: Node(), rightOp: Node())

cast uncheckedAssign

Some restrictions for case objects can be disabled via a {.cast(uncheckedAssign).} section:

  TokenKind* = enum
    strLit, intLit
  Token = object
    case kind*: TokenKind
    of strLit:
      s*: string
    of intLit:
      i*: int64

proc passToVar(x: var TokenKind) = discard

var t = Token(kind: strLit, s: "abc")

  # inside the 'cast' section it is allowed to pass 't.kind' to a 'var T' parameter:

  # inside the 'cast' section it is allowed to set field 's' even though the
  # constructed 'kind' field has an unknown value:
  t = Token(kind: t.kind, s: "abc")

  # inside the 'cast' section it is allowed to assign to the 't.kind' field directly:
  t.kind = intLit

Set type

Reference and pointer types

References (similar to pointers in other programming languages) are a way to introduce many-to-one relationships. This means different references can point to and modify the same location in memory (also called aliasing).

Nim distinguishes between traced and untraced references. Untraced references are also called pointers. Traced references point to objects of a garbage-collected heap, untraced references point to manually allocated objects or objects somewhere else in memory. Thus untraced references are unsafe. However, for certain low-level operations (accessing the hardware) untraced references are unavoidable.

Traced references are declared with the ref keyword, untraced references are declared with the ptr keyword. In general, a ptr T is implicitly convertible to the pointer type.

An empty subscript [] notation can be used to de-refer a reference, the addr procedure returns the address of an item. An address is always an untraced reference. Thus the usage of addr is an unsafe feature.

The . (access a tuple/object field operator) and [] (array/string/sequence index operator) operators perform implicit dereferencing operations for reference types:

  Node = ref NodeObj
  NodeObj = object
    le, ri: Node
    data: int

  n: Node
new(n) = 9
# no need to write n[].data; in fact n[].data is highly discouraged!

Automatic dereferencing can be performed for the first argument of a routine call, but this is an experimental feature and is described here.

In order to simplify structural type checking, recursive tuples are not valid:

# invalid recursion
type MyTuple = tuple[a: ref MyTuple]

Likewise T = ref T is an invalid type.

As a syntactical extension, object types can be anonymous if declared in a type section via the ref object or ptr object notations. This feature is useful if an object should only gain reference semantics:

  Node = ref object
    le, ri: Node
    data: int

To allocate a new traced object, the built-in procedure new has to be used. To deal with untraced memory, the procedures alloc, dealloc and realloc can be used. The documentation of the system module contains further information.


If a reference points to nothing, it has the value nil. nil is the default value for all ref and ptr types. The nil value can also be used like any other literal value. For example, it can be used in an assignment like myRef = nil.

Dereferencing nil is an unrecoverable fatal runtime error (and not a panic).

A successful dereferencing operation p[] implies that p is not nil. This can be exploited by the implementation to optimize code like:

p[].field = 3
if p != nil:
  # if p were nil, `p[]` would have caused a crash already,
  # so we know `p` is always not nil here.


p[].field = 3

Note: This is not comparable to C\'s \"undefined behavior\" for dereferencing NULL pointers.

Mixing GC\'ed memory with ptr

Special care has to be taken if an untraced object contains traced objects like traced references, strings, or sequences: in order to free everything properly, the built-in procedure reset has to be called before freeing the untraced memory manually:

Data = tuple[x, y: int, s: string]
# allocate memory for Data on the heap:
var d = cast[ptr Data](alloc0(sizeof(Data)))

# create a new string on the garbage collected heap:
d.s = "abc"

# tell the GC that the string is not needed anymore:

# free the memory:

Without the reset call the memory allocated for the d.s string would never be freed. The example also demonstrates two important features for low-level programming: the sizeof proc returns the size of a type or value in bytes. The cast operator can circumvent the type system: the compiler is forced to treat the result of the alloc0 call (which returns an untyped pointer) as if it would have the type ptr Data. Casting should only be done if it is unavoidable: it breaks type safety and bugs can lead to mysterious crashes.

Note: The example only works because the memory is initialized to zero (alloc0 instead of alloc does this): d.s is thus initialized to binary zero which the string assignment can handle. One needs to know low-level details like this when mixing garbage-collected data with unmanaged memory.

Procedural type

A procedural type is internally a pointer to a procedure. nil is an allowed value for a variable of a procedural type.


proc printItem(x: int) = ...

proc forEach(c: proc (x: int) {.cdecl.}) =

forEach(printItem)  # this will NOT compile because calling conventions differ
  OnMouseMove = proc (x, y: int) {.closure.}

proc onMouseMove(mouseX, mouseY: int) =
  # has default calling convention
  echo "x: ", mouseX, " y: ", mouseY

proc setOnMouseMove(mouseMoveEvent: OnMouseMove) = discard

# ok, 'onMouseMove' has the default calling convention, which is compatible
# to 'closure':

A subtle issue with procedural types is that the calling convention of the procedure influences the type compatibility: procedural types are only compatible if they have the same calling convention. As a special extension, a procedure of the calling convention nimcall can be passed to a parameter that expects a proc of the calling convention closure.

Nim supports these calling conventions:


: is the default convention used for a Nim proc. It is the same as fastcall, but only for C compilers that support fastcall.


: is the default calling convention for a procedural type that lacks any pragma annotations. It indicates that the procedure has a hidden implicit parameter (an environment). Proc vars that have the calling convention closure take up two machine words: One for the proc pointer and another one for the pointer to implicitly passed environment.


: This is the stdcall convention as specified by Microsoft. The generated C procedure is declared with the __stdcall keyword.


: The cdecl convention means that a procedure shall use the same convention as the C compiler. Under Windows the generated C procedure is declared with the __cdecl keyword.


: This is the safecall convention as specified by Microsoft. The generated C procedure is declared with the __safecall keyword. The word safe refers to the fact that all hardware registers shall be pushed to the hardware stack.


: The inline convention means the caller should not call the procedure, but inline its code directly. Note that Nim does not inline, but leaves this to the C compiler; it generates __inline procedures. This is only a hint for the compiler: it may completely ignore it and it may inline procedures that are not marked as inline.


: Fastcall means different things to different C compilers. One gets whatever the C __fastcall means.


: This is the thiscall calling convention as specified by Microsoft, used on C++ class member functions on the x86 architecture.


: The syscall convention is the same as __syscall{.interpreted-text role="c"} in C. It is used for interrupts.


: The generated C code will not have any explicit calling convention and thus use the C compiler\'s default calling convention. This is needed because Nim\'s default calling convention for procedures is fastcall to improve speed.

Most calling conventions exist only for the Windows 32-bit platform.

The default calling convention is nimcall, unless it is an inner proc (a proc inside of a proc). For an inner proc an analysis is performed whether it accesses its environment. If it does so, it has the calling convention closure, otherwise it has the calling convention nimcall.

Distinct type

A distinct type is a new type derived from a base type that is incompatible with its base type. In particular, it is an essential property of a distinct type that it does not imply a subtype relation between it and its base type. Explicit type conversions from a distinct type to its base type and vice versa are allowed. See also distinctBase to get the reverse operation.

A distinct type is an ordinal type if its base type is an ordinal type.

Modeling currencies

A distinct type can be used to model different physical units with a numerical base type, for example. The following example models currencies.

Different currencies should not be mixed in monetary calculations. Distinct types are a perfect tool to model different currencies:

Dollar = distinct int
Euro = distinct int
  d: Dollar
  e: Euro

echo d + 12
# Error: cannot add a number with no unit and a `Dollar`

Unfortunately, d + 12.Dollar is not allowed either, because + is defined for int (among others), not for Dollar. So a + for dollars needs to be defined:

`` proc+` (x, y: Dollar): Dollar = result = Dollar(int(x) + int(y))

It does not make sense to multiply a dollar with a dollar, but with a
number without unit; and the same holds for division:

``` proc `*` (x: Dollar, y: int): Dollar =
result = Dollar(int(x) * y)
proc `*` (x: int, y: Dollar): Dollar =
  result = Dollar(x * int(y))

proc `div` ...

This quickly gets tedious. The implementations are trivial and the compiler should not generate all this code only to optimize it away later - after all + for dollars should produce the same binary code as + for ints. The pragma borrow has been designed to solve this problem; in principle, it generates the above trivial implementations:

proc `*` (x: Dollar, y: int): Dollar {.borrow.}
proc `*` (x: int, y: Dollar): Dollar {.borrow.}
proc `div` (x: Dollar, y: int): Dollar {.borrow.}

The borrow pragma makes the compiler use the same implementation as the proc that deals with the distinct type\'s base type, so no code is generated.

But it seems all this boilerplate code needs to be repeated for the Euro currency. This can be solved with templates.

template additive(typ: typedesc) =
  proc `+` *(x, y: typ): typ {.borrow.}
  proc `-` *(x, y: typ): typ {.borrow.}

  # unary operators:
  proc `+` *(x: typ): typ {.borrow.}
  proc `-` *(x: typ): typ {.borrow.}

template multiplicative(typ, base: typedesc) =
  proc `*` *(x: typ, y: base): typ {.borrow.}
  proc `*` *(x: base, y: typ): typ {.borrow.}
  proc `div` *(x: typ, y: base): typ {.borrow.}
  proc `mod` *(x: typ, y: base): typ {.borrow.}

template comparable(typ: typedesc) =
  proc `<` * (x, y: typ): bool {.borrow.}
  proc `<=` * (x, y: typ): bool {.borrow.}
  proc `==` * (x, y: typ): bool {.borrow.}

template defineCurrency(typ, base: untyped) =
    typ* = distinct base
  multiplicative(typ, base)

defineCurrency(Dollar, int)
defineCurrency(Euro, int)

The borrow pragma can also be used to annotate the distinct type to allow certain builtin operations to be lifted:

Foo = object
a, b: int
s: string
Bar {.borrow: `.`.} = distinct Foo

var bb: ref Bar
new bb
# field access now valid
bb.a = 90
bb.s = "abc"

Currently, only the dot accessor can be borrowed in this way.

Avoiding SQL injection attacks

An SQL statement that is passed from Nim to an SQL database might be modeled as a string. However, using string templates and filling in the values is vulnerable to the famous SQL injection attack:

import std/strutils
proc query(db: DbHandle, statement: string) = ...

  username: string

db.query("SELECT FROM users WHERE name = '$1'" % username)
# Horrible security hole, but the compiler does not mind!

This can be avoided by distinguishing strings that contain SQL from strings that don\'t. Distinct types provide a means to introduce a new string type SQL that is incompatible with `string`:

SQL = distinct string
proc query(db: DbHandle, statement: SQL) = ...

  username: string

db.query("SELECT FROM users WHERE name = '$1'" % username)
# Static error: `query` expects an SQL string!

It is an essential property of abstract types that they do not imply a subtype relation between the abstract type and its base type. Explicit type conversions from string to SQL are allowed:

import std/[strutils, sequtils]
proc properQuote(s: string): SQL =
  # quotes a string properly for an SQL statement
  return SQL(s)

proc `%` (frmt: SQL, values: openarray[string]): SQL =
  # quote each argument:
  let v = values.mapIt(properQuote(it))
  # we need a temporary type for the type conversion :-(
  type StrSeq = seq[string]
  # call strutils.`%`:
  result = SQL(string(frmt) % StrSeq(v))

db.query("SELECT FROM users WHERE name = '$1'".SQL % [username])

Now we have compile-time checking against SQL injection attacks. Since "".SQL is transformed to SQL("") no new syntax is needed for nice looking SQL string literals. The hypothetical SQL type actually exists in the library as the SqlQuery type of modules like db_sqlite.

Auto type

The auto type can only be used for return types and parameters. For return types it causes the compiler to infer the type from the routine body:

proc returnsInt(): auto = 1984

For parameters it currently creates implicitly generic routines:

proc foo(a, b: auto) = discard

Is the same as:

proc foo[T1, T2](a: T1, b: T2) = discard

However, later versions of the language might change this to mean \"infer the parameters\' types from the body\". Then the above foo would be rejected as the parameters\' types can not be inferred from an empty discard statement.