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Statements Expressions

Statements and expressions

Nim uses the common statement/expression paradigm: Statements do not produce a value in contrast to expressions. However, some expressions are statements.

Statements are separated into simple statements{.interpreted-text role="idx"} and complex statements. Simple statements are statements that cannot contain other statements like assignments, calls, or the return statement; complex statements can contain other statements. To avoid the dangling else problem, complex statements always have to be indented. The details can be found in the grammar.

Statement list expression

Statements can also occur in an expression context that looks like (stmt1; stmt2; ...; ex). This is called a statement list expression or (;). The type of (stmt1; stmt2; ...; ex) is the type of ex. All the other statements must be of type void. (One can use discard to produce a void type.) (;) does not introduce a new scope.

Discard statement


proc p(x, y: int): int =
result = x + y
discard p(3, 4) # discard the return value of `p`

The discard statement evaluates its expression for side-effects and throws the expression\'s resulting value away, and should only be used when ignoring this value is known not to cause problems.

Ignoring the return value of a procedure without using a discard statement is a static error.

The return value can be ignored implicitly if the called proc/iterator has been declared with the discardable pragma:

proc p(x, y: int): int {.discardable.} =
result = x + y
p(3, 4) # now valid

however the discardable pragma does not work on templates as templates substitute the AST in place. For example:

{.push discardable .}
template example(): string = ""

This template will resolve into \"\" which is a string literal and since {.discardable.} doesn\'t apply to literals, the compiler will error.

An empty discard statement is often used as a null statement:

proc classify(s: string) =
case s[0]
of SymChars, '_': echo "an identifier"
of '0'..'9': echo "a number"
else: discard

Void context

In a list of statements, every expression except the last one needs to have the type void. In addition to this rule an assignment to the builtin result symbol also triggers a mandatory void context for the subsequent expressions:

proc invalid*(): string =
result = "foo"
"invalid"  # Error: value of type 'string' has to be discarded
proc valid*(): string =
let x = 317

Var statement

Var statements declare new local and global variables and initialize them. A comma-separated list of variables can be used to specify variables of the same type:

  a: int = 0
  x, y, z: int

If an initializer is given, the type can be omitted: the variable is then of the same type as the initializing expression. Variables are always initialized with a default value if there is no initializing expression. The default value depends on the type and is always a zero in binary.

Type default value

any integer type 0 any float 0.0 char \'\0\' bool false ref or pointer type nil procedural type nil sequence @[] string "" tuple[x: A, y: B, ...] (default(A), default(B), ...) (analogous for objects) array[0..., T] [default(T), ...] range[T] default(T); this may be out of the valid range T = enum cast[T](0); this may be an invalid value

The implicit initialization can be avoided for optimization reasons with the noinit pragma:

a {.noInit.}: array[0..1023, char]

If a proc is annotated with the noinit pragma, this refers to its implicit result variable:

proc returnUndefinedValue: int {.noinit.} = discard

The implicit initialization can also be prevented by the requiresInit type pragma. The compiler requires an explicit initialization for the object and all of its fields. However, it does a control flow analysis{.interpreted-text role="idx"} to prove the variable has been initialized and does not rely on syntactic properties:

MyObject = object {.requiresInit.}
proc p() =
  # the following is valid:
  var x: MyObject
  if someCondition():
    x = a()
    x = a()
  # use x

requiresInit pragma can also be applyied to distinct types.

Given the following distinct type definitions:

DistinctObject {.requiresInit, borrow: `.`.} = distinct MyObject
DistinctString {.requiresInit.} = distinct string

The following code blocks will fail to compile:

var foo: DistinctFoo
foo.x = "test"
doAssert foo.x == "test"
var s: DistinctString
s = "test"
doAssert s == "test"

But these ones will compile successfully:

let foo = DistinctFoo(Foo(x: "test"))
doAssert foo.x == "test"
let s = "test"
doAssert s == "test"

Let statement

A let statement declares new local and global single assignment variables and binds a value to them. The syntax is the same as that of the var statement, except that the keyword var is replaced by the keyword let. Let variables are not l-values and can thus not be passed to var parameters nor can their address be taken. They cannot be assigned new values.

For let variables, the same pragmas are available as for ordinary variables.

As let statements are immutable after creation they need to define a value when they are declared. The only exception to this is if the {.importc.} pragma (or any of the other importX pragmas) is applied, in this case the value is expected to come from native code, typically a C/C++ const.

Tuple unpacking

In a var or let statement tuple unpacking can be performed. The special identifier _ can be used to ignore some parts of the tuple:

proc returnsTuple(): (int, int, int) = (4, 2, 3)
let (x, _, z) = returnsTuple()

Const section

A const section declares constants whose values are constant expressions:

``` import std/[strutils] const roundPi = 3.1415 constEval = contains("abc", 'b') # computed at compile time!

Once declared, a constant\'s symbol can be used as a constant

See [Constants and Constant
Expressions](#constants-and-constant-expressions) for details.

### Static statement/expression

A static statement/expression explicitly requires compile-time
execution. Even some code that has side effects is permitted in a static
static: echo "echo at compile time"
There are limitations on what Nim code can be executed at compile time;
see [Restrictions on Compile-Time
Execution](#restrictions-on-compileminustime-execution) for details.
It\'s a static error if the compiler cannot execute the block at compile

### If statement


``` nim
var name = readLine(stdin)

if name == "Andreas":
  echo "What a nice name!"
elif name == "":
  echo "Don't you have a name?"
  echo "Boring name..."

The if statement is a simple way to make a branch in the control flow: The expression after the keyword if is evaluated, if it is true the corresponding statements after the : are executed. Otherwise the expression after the elif is evaluated (if there is an elif branch), if it is true the corresponding statements after the : are executed. This goes on until the last elif. If all conditions fail, the else part is executed. If there is no else part, execution continues with the next statement.

In if statements, new scopes begin immediately after the if/elif/else keywords and ends after the corresponding then block. For visualization purposes the scopes have been enclosed in {| |} in the following example:

if {| (let m = input =~ re"(\w+)=\w+"; m.isMatch):
echo "key ", m[0], " value ", m[1]  |}
elif {| (let m = input =~ re""; m.isMatch):
echo "new m in this scope"  |}
else: {|
echo "m not declared here"  |}

Case statement


let line = readline(stdin)
case line
of "delete-everything", "restart-computer":
  echo "permission denied"
of "go-for-a-walk":     echo "please yourself"
elif line.len == 0:     echo "empty" # optional, must come after `of` branches
else:                   echo "unknown command" # ditto

# indentation of the branches is also allowed; and so is an optional colon
# after the selecting expression:
case readline(stdin):
  of "delete-everything", "restart-computer":
    echo "permission denied"
  of "go-for-a-walk":     echo "please yourself"
  else:                   echo "unknown command"

The case statement is similar to the if statement, but it represents a multi-branch selection. The expression after the keyword case is evaluated and if its value is in a slicelist the corresponding statements (after the of keyword) are executed. If the value is not in any given slicelist, trailing elif and else parts are executed using same semantics as for if statement, and elif is handled just like else: if. If there are no else or elif parts and not all possible values that expr can hold occur in a slicelist, a static error occurs. This holds only for expressions of ordinal types. \"All possible values\" of expr are determined by expr\'s type. To suppress the static error an else: discard should be used.

For non-ordinal types, it is not possible to list every possible value and so these always require an else part. An exception to this rule is for the string type, which currently doesn\'t require a trailing else or elif branch; it\'s unspecified whether this will keep working in future versions.

Because case statements are checked for exhaustiveness during semantic analysis, the value in every of branch must be a constant expression. This restriction also allows the compiler to generate more performant code.

As a special semantic extension, an expression in an of branch of a case statement may evaluate to a set or array constructor; the set or array is then expanded into a list of its elements:

SymChars: set[char] = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
proc classify(s: string) =
  case s[0]
  of SymChars, '_': echo "an identifier"
  of '0'..'9': echo "a number"
  else: echo "other"

# is equivalent to:
proc classify(s: string) =
  case s[0]
  of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF', '_': echo "an identifier"
  of '0'..'9': echo "a number"
  else: echo "other"

The case statement doesn\'t produce an l-value, so the following example won\'t work:

Foo = ref object
x: seq[string]
proc get_x(x: Foo): var seq[string] =
  # doesn't work
  case true
  of true:

var foo = Foo(x: @[])

This can be fixed by explicitly using result or `return`:

proc get_x(x: Foo): var seq[string] =
case true
of true:
result = x.x
result = x.x

When statement


when sizeof(int) == 2:
  echo "running on a 16 bit system!"
elif sizeof(int) == 4:
  echo "running on a 32 bit system!"
elif sizeof(int) == 8:
  echo "running on a 64 bit system!"
  echo "cannot happen!"

The when statement is almost identical to the if statement with some exceptions:

  • Each condition (expr) has to be a constant expression (of type bool).
  • The statements do not open a new scope.
  • The statements that belong to the expression that evaluated to true are translated by the compiler, the other statements are not checked for semantics! However, each condition is checked for semantics.

The when statement enables conditional compilation techniques. As a special syntactic extension, the when construct is also available within object definitions.

When nimvm statement

nimvm is a special symbol that may be used as the expression of a when nimvm statement to differentiate the execution path between compile-time and the executable.


proc someProcThatMayRunInCompileTime(): bool =
when nimvm:
# This branch is taken at compile time.
result = true
# This branch is taken in the executable.
result = false
const ctValue = someProcThatMayRunInCompileTime()
let rtValue = someProcThatMayRunInCompileTime()
assert(ctValue == true)
assert(rtValue == false)

A when nimvm statement must meet the following requirements:

  • Its expression must always be nimvm. More complex expressions are not allowed.
  • It must not contain elif branches.
  • It must contain an else branch.
  • Code in branches must not affect semantics of the code that follows the when nimvm statement. E.g. it must not define symbols that are used in the following code.

Return statement


return 40+2

The return statement ends the execution of the current procedure. It is only allowed in procedures. If there is an expr, this is syntactic sugar for:

result = expr
return result

return without an expression is a short notation for return result if the proc has a return type. The result{.interpreted-text role="idx"} variable is always the return value of the procedure. It is automatically declared by the compiler. As all variables, result is initialized to (binary) zero:

proc returnZero(): int =
# implicitly returns 0

Yield statement


yield (1, 2, 3)

The yield statement is used instead of the return statement in iterators. It is only valid in iterators. Execution is returned to the body of the for loop that called the iterator. Yield does not end the iteration process, but the execution is passed back to the iterator if the next iteration starts. See the section about iterators (Iterators and the for statement) for further information.

Block statement


var found = false
block myblock:
for i in 0..3:
for j in 0..3:
if a[j][i] == 7:
found = true
break myblock # leave the block, in this case both for-loops
echo found

The block statement is a means to group statements to a (named) block. Inside the block, the break statement is allowed to leave the block immediately. A break statement can contain a name of a surrounding block to specify which block is to be left.

Break statement



The break statement is used to leave a block immediately. If symbol is given, it is the name of the enclosing block that is to be left. If it is absent, the innermost block is left.

While statement


echo "Please tell me your password:"
var pw = readLine(stdin)
while pw != "12345":
echo "Wrong password! Next try:"
pw = readLine(stdin)

The while statement is executed until the expr evaluates to false. Endless loops are no error. while statements open an implicit block so that they can be left with a break statement.

Continue statement

A continue statement leads to the immediate next iteration of the surrounding loop construct. It is only allowed within a loop. A continue statement is syntactic sugar for a nested block:

while expr1:

Is equivalent to:

while expr1:
block myBlockName:
break myBlockName

Assembler statement

The direct embedding of assembler code into Nim code is supported by the unsafe asm statement. Identifiers in the assembler code that refer to Nim identifiers shall be enclosed in a special character which can be specified in the statement\'s pragmas. The default special character is `\'`\'`:

{.push stackTrace:off.}
proc addInt(a, b: int): int =
# a in eax, and b in edx
asm """
mov eax, `a`
add eax, `b`
jno theEnd
call `raiseOverflow`

If the GNU assembler is used, quotes and newlines are inserted automatically:

proc addInt(a, b: int): int =
asm """
addl %%ecx, %%eax
jno 1
call `raiseOverflow`
:"a"(`a`), "c"(`b`)

Instead of:

proc addInt(a, b: int): int =
asm """
"addl %%ecx, %%eax\n"
"jno 1\n"
"call `raiseOverflow`\n"
"1: \n"
:"a"(`a`), "c"(`b`)

Using statement

The using statement provides syntactic convenience in modules where the same parameter names and types are used over and over. Instead of:

proc foo(c: Context; n: Node) = ...
proc bar(c: Context; n: Node, counter: int) = ...
proc baz(c: Context; n: Node) = ...

One can tell the compiler about the convention that a parameter of name c should default to type Context, n should default to Node etc.:

c: Context
n: Node
counter: int
proc foo(c, n) = ...
proc bar(c, n, counter) = ...
proc baz(c, n) = ...

proc mixedMode(c, n; x, y: int) =
  # 'c' is inferred to be of the type 'Context'
  # 'n' is inferred to be of the type 'Node'
  # But 'x' and 'y' are of type 'int'.

The using section uses the same indentation based grouping syntax as a var or let section.

Note that using is not applied for template since the untyped template parameters default to the type system.untyped.

Mixing parameters that should use the using declaration with parameters that are explicitly typed is possible and requires a semicolon between them.

If expression

An if expression is almost like an if statement, but it is an expression. This feature is similar to ternary operators in other languages. Example:

var y = if x > 8: 9 else: 10

An if expression always results in a value, so the else part is required. Elif parts are also allowed.

When expression

Just like an if expression, but corresponding to the when statement.

Case expression

The case expression is again very similar to the case statement:

var favoriteFood = case animal
of "dog": "bones"
of "cat": "mice"
elif animal.endsWith"whale": "plankton"
echo "I'm not sure what to serve, but everybody loves ice cream"
"ice cream"

As seen in the above example, the case expression can also introduce side effects. When multiple statements are given for a branch, Nim will use the last expression as the result value.

Block expression

A block expression is almost like a block statement, but it is an expression that uses the last expression under the block as the value. It is similar to the statement list expression, but the statement list expression does not open a new block scope.

let a = block:
var fib = @[0, 1]
for i in 0..10:
fib.add fib[^1] + fib[^2]

Table constructor

A table constructor is syntactic sugar for an array constructor:

{"key1": "value1", "key2", "key3": "value2"}
# is the same as:
[("key1", "value1"), ("key2", "value2"), ("key3", "value2")]

The empty table can be written {:} (in contrast to the empty set which is {}) which is thus another way to write the empty array constructor []. This slightly unusual way of supporting tables has lots of advantages:

  • The order of the (key,value)-pairs is preserved, thus it is easy to support ordered dicts with for example {key: val}.newOrderedTable.
  • A table literal can be put into a const section and the compiler can easily put it into the executable\'s data section just like it can for arrays and the generated data section requires a minimal amount of memory.
  • Every table implementation is treated equally syntactically.
  • Apart from the minimal syntactic sugar, the language core does not need to know about tables.

Type conversions

Syntactically a type conversion is like a procedure call, but a type name replaces the procedure name. A type conversion is always safe in the sense that a failure to convert a type to another results in an exception (if it cannot be determined statically).

Ordinary procs are often preferred over type conversions in Nim: For instance, $ is the toString operator by convention and toFloat and toInt can be used to convert from floating-point to integer or vice versa.

Type conversion can also be used to disambiguate overloaded routines:

proc p(x: int) = echo "int"
proc p(x: string) = echo "string"

let procVar = (proc(x: string))(p)

Since operations on unsigned numbers wrap around and are unchecked so are type conversions to unsigned integers and between unsigned integers. The rationale for this is mostly better interoperability with the C Programming language when algorithms are ported from C to Nim.

Exception: Values that are converted to an unsigned type at compile time are checked so that code like byte(-1) does not compile.

Note: Historically the operations were unchecked and the conversions were sometimes checked but starting with the revision 1.0.4 of this document and the language implementation the conversions too are now always unchecked.

Type casts

Type casts are a crude mechanism to interpret the bit pattern of an expression as if it would be of another type. Type casts are only needed for low-level programming and are inherently unsafe.


The target type of a cast must be a concrete type, for instance, a target type that is a type class (which is non-concrete) would be invalid:

type Foo = int or float
var x = cast[Foo](1) # Error: cannot cast to a non concrete type: 'Foo'

Type casts should not be confused with type conversions, as mentioned in the prior section. Unlike type conversions, a type cast cannot change the underlying bit pattern of the data being casted (aside from that the size of the target type may differ from the source type). Casting resembles type punning in other languages or C++\'s reinterpret_cast{.interpreted-text role="cpp"} and bit_cast{.interpreted-text role="cpp"} features.

The addr operator

The addr operator returns the address of an l-value. If the type of the location is T, the addr operator result is of the type ptr T. An address is always an untraced reference. Taking the address of an object that resides on the stack is unsafe, as the pointer may live longer than the object on the stack and can thus reference a non-existing object. One can get the address of variables, but one can\'t use it on variables declared through let statements:

let t1 = "Hello"
  t2 = t1
  t3 : pointer = addr(t2)
echo repr(addr(t2))
# --> ref 0x7fff6b71b670 --> 0x10bb81050"Hello"
echo cast[ptr string](t3)[]
# --> Hello
# The following line doesn't compile:
echo repr(addr(t1))
# Error: expression has no address

The unsafeAddr operator

For easier interoperability with other compiled languages such as C, retrieving the address of a let variable, a parameter, or a for loop variable can be accomplished by using the unsafeAddr operation:

let myArray = [1, 2, 3]
foreignProcThatTakesAnAddr(unsafeAddr myArray)