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Effect System

Effect system

Note: The rules for effect tracking changed with the release of version 1.6 of the Nim compiler. This section describes the new rules that are activated via --experimental:strictEffects.

Exception tracking

Nim supports exception tracking. The raises{.interpreted-text role="idx"} pragma can be used to explicitly define which exceptions a proc/iterator/method/converter is allowed to raise. The compiler verifies this:

proc p(what: bool) {.raises: [IOError, OSError].} =
  if what: raise newException(IOError, "IO")
  else: raise newException(OSError, "OS")

An empty raises list (raises: []) means that no exception may be raised:

proc p(): bool {.raises: [].} =
result = true
except CatchableError:
result = false

A raises list can also be attached to a proc type. This affects type compatibility:

  Callback = proc (s: string) {.raises: [IOError].}
  c: Callback

proc p(x: string) =
  raise newException(OSError, "OS")

c = p # type error

For a routine p, the compiler uses inference rules to determine the set of possibly raised exceptions; the algorithm operates on p\'s call graph:

  1. Every indirect call via some proc type T is assumed to raise system.Exception (the base type of the exception hierarchy) and thus any exception unless T has an explicit raises list. However, if the call is of the form f(...) where f is a parameter of the currently analyzed routine it is ignored that is marked as .effectsOf: f. The call is optimistically assumed to have no effect. Rule 2 compensates for this case.
  2. Every expression e of some proc type within a call that is passed to parameter marked as .effectsOf is assumed to be called indirectly and thus its raises list is added to p\'s raises list.
  3. Every call to a proc q which has an unknown body (due to a forward declaration) is assumed to raise system.Exception unless q has an explicit raises list. Procs that are importc\'ed are assumed to have .raises: [], unless explicitly declared otherwise.
  4. Every call to a method m is assumed to raise system.Exception unless m has an explicit raises list.
  5. For every other call, the analysis can determine an exact raises list.
  6. For determining a raises list, the raise and try statements of p are taken into consideration.

Exceptions inheriting from system.Defect are not tracked with the .raises: [] exception tracking mechanism. This is more consistent with the built-in operations. The following code is valid:

proc mydiv(a, b): int {.raises: [].} =
  a div b # can raise an DivByZeroDefect

And so is:

proc mydiv(a, b): int {.raises: [].} =
  if b == 0: raise newException(DivByZeroDefect, "division by zero")
  else: result = a div b

The reason for this is that DivByZeroDefect inherits from Defect and with --panics:on{.interpreted-text role="option"} Defects become unrecoverable errors. (Since version 1.4 of the language.)

EffectsOf annotation

Rules 1-2 of the exception tracking inference rules (see the previous section) ensure the following works:

proc weDontRaiseButMaybeTheCallback(callback: proc()) {.raises: [], effectsOf: callback.} =
proc doRaise() {.raises: [IOError].} =
  raise newException(IOError, "IO")

proc use() {.raises: [].} =
  # doesn't compile! Can raise IOError!

As can be seen from the example, a parameter of type proc (...) can be annotated as .effectsOf. Such a parameter allows for effect polymorphism: The proc weDontRaiseButMaybeTheCallback raises the exceptions that callback raises.

So in many cases a callback does not cause the compiler to be overly conservative in its effect analysis:

{.push warningAsError[Effect]: on.}
{.experimental: "strictEffects".}

import algorithm

  MyInt = distinct int

var toSort = @[MyInt 1, MyInt 2, MyInt 3]

proc cmpN(a, b: MyInt): int =

proc harmless {.raises: [].} =
  toSort.sort cmpN

proc cmpE(a, b: MyInt): int {.raises: [Exception].} =

proc harmfull {.raises: [].} =
  # does not compile, `sort` can now raise Exception
  toSort.sort cmpE

Tag tracking

Exception tracking is part of Nim\'s effect system{.interpreted-text role="idx"}. Raising an exception is an effect. Other effects can also be defined. A user defined effect is a means to tag a routine and to perform checks against this tag:

type IO = object ## input/output effect
proc readLine(): string {.tags: [IO].} = discard

proc no_IO_please() {.tags: [].} =
  # the compiler prevents this:
  let x = readLine()

A tag has to be a type name. A tags list - like a raises list - can also be attached to a proc type. This affects type compatibility.

The inference for tag tracking is analogous to the inference for exception tracking.

Side effects

The noSideEffect pragma is used to mark a proc/iterator that can have only side effects through parameters. This means that the proc/iterator only changes locations that are reachable from its parameters and the return value only depends on the parameters. If none of its parameters have the type var, ref, ptr, cstring, or proc, then no locations are modified.

In other words, a routine has no side effects if it does not access a threadlocal or global variable and it does not call any routine that has a side effect.

It is a static error to mark a proc/iterator to have no side effect if the compiler cannot verify this.

As a special semantic rule, the built-in debugEcho pretends to be free of side effects so that it can be used for debugging routines marked as noSideEffect.

func is syntactic sugar for a proc with no side effects:

func `+` (x, y: int): int

To override the compiler\'s side effect analysis a {.noSideEffect.} cast pragma block can be used:

func f() =
    echo "test"

Side effects are usually inferred. The inference for side effects is analogous to the inference for exception tracking.

GC safety effect

We call a proc p GC safe when it doesn\'t access any global variable that contains GC\'ed memory (string, seq, ref or a closure) either directly or indirectly through a call to a GC unsafe proc.

The GC safety property is usually inferred. The inference for GC safety is analogous to the inference for exception tracking.

The gcsafe annotation can be used to mark a proc to be gcsafe, otherwise this property is inferred by the compiler. Note that noSideEffect implies gcsafe.

Routines that are imported from C are always assumed to be gcsafe.

To override the compiler\'s gcsafety analysis a {.cast(gcsafe).} pragma block can be used:

  someGlobal: string = "some string here"
  perThread {.threadvar.}: string

proc setPerThread() =
    deepCopy(perThread, someGlobal)

See also:

Effects pragma

The effects pragma has been designed to assist the programmer with the effects analysis. It is a statement that makes the compiler output all inferred effects up to the effects\'s position:

proc p(what: bool) =
if what:
raise newException(IOError, "IO")
raise newException(OSError, "OS")

The compiler produces a hint message that IOError can be raised. OSError is not listed as it cannot be raised in the branch the effects pragma appears in.