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A template is a simple form of a macro: It is a simple substitution mechanism that operates on Nim\'s abstract syntax trees. It is processed in the semantic pass of the compiler.

The syntax to invoke a template is the same as calling a procedure.


template `!=` (a, b: untyped): untyped =
# this definition exists in the System module
not (a == b)
assert(5 != 6) # the compiler rewrites that to: assert(not (5 == 6))

The !=, >, >=, in, notin, isnot operators are in fact templates:

| a > b is transformed into b < a. | a in b is transformed into contains(b, a). | notin and isnot have the obvious meanings.

The \"types\" of templates can be the symbols untyped, typed or typedesc. These are \"meta types\", they can only be used in certain contexts. Regular types can be used too; this implies that typed expressions are expected.

Typed vs untyped parameters

An untyped parameter means that symbol lookups and type resolution is not performed before the expression is passed to the template. This means that undeclared identifiers, for example, can be passed to the template:

template declareInt(x: untyped) =
  var x: int

declareInt(x) # valid
x = 3
template declareInt(x: typed) =
  var x: int

declareInt(x) # invalid, because x has not been declared and so it has no type

A template where every parameter is untyped is called an immediate template. For historical reasons, templates can be explicitly annotated with an immediate pragma and then these templates do not take part in overloading resolution and the parameters\' types are ignored by the compiler. Explicit immediate templates are now deprecated.

Note: For historical reasons, stmt was an alias for typed and expr was an alias for untyped, but they are removed.

Passing a code block to a template

One can pass a block of statements as the last argument to a template following the special : syntax:

template withFile(f, fn, mode, actions: untyped): untyped =
  var f: File
  if open(f, fn, mode):
    quit("cannot open: " & fn)

withFile(txt, "ttempl3.txt", fmWrite):  # special colon
  txt.writeLine("line 1")
  txt.writeLine("line 2")

In the example, the two writeLine statements are bound to the actions parameter.

Usually, to pass a block of code to a template, the parameter that accepts the block needs to be of type untyped. Because symbol lookups are then delayed until template instantiation time:

template t(body: typed) =
  proc p = echo "hey"

  p()  # fails with 'undeclared identifier: p'

The above code fails with the error message that p is not declared. The reason for this is that the p() body is type-checked before getting passed to the body parameter and type checking in Nim implies symbol lookups. The same code works with untyped as the passed body is not required to be type-checked:

template t(body: untyped) =
  proc p = echo "hey"

  p()  # compiles

Varargs of untyped

In addition to the untyped meta-type that prevents type checking, there is also varargs[untyped] so that not even the number of parameters is fixed:

template hideIdentifiers(x: varargs[untyped]) = discard

hideIdentifiers(undeclared1, undeclared2)

However, since a template cannot iterate over varargs, this feature is generally much more useful for macros.

Symbol binding in templates

A template is a hygienic macro and so opens a new scope. Most symbols are bound from the definition scope of the template:

# Module A
lastId = 0
template genId*: untyped =
# Module B
import A
echo genId() # Works as 'lastId' has been bound in 'genId's defining scope

As in generics, symbol binding can be influenced via mixin or bind statements.

Identifier construction

In templates, identifiers can be constructed with the backticks notation:

template typedef(name: untyped, typ: typedesc) =
    `T name`* {.inject.} = typ
    `P name`* {.inject.} = ref `T name`

typedef(myint, int)
var x: PMyInt

In the example, name is instantiated with myint, so `T name` becomes Tmyint.

Lookup rules for template parameters

A parameter p in a template is even substituted in the expression x.p. Thus, template arguments can be used as field names and a global symbol can be shadowed by the same argument name even when fully qualified:

# module 'm'
  Lev = enum
    levA, levB

var abclev = levB

template tstLev(abclev: Lev) =
  echo abclev, " ", m.abclev

# produces: 'levA levA'

But the global symbol can properly be captured by a bind statement:

# module 'm'
  Lev = enum
    levA, levB

var abclev = levB

template tstLev(abclev: Lev) =
  bind m.abclev
  echo abclev, " ", m.abclev

# produces: 'levA levB'

Hygiene in templates

Per default, templates are hygienic: Local identifiers declared in a template cannot be accessed in the instantiation context:

template newException*(exceptn: typedesc, message: string): untyped =
    e: ref exceptn  # e is implicitly gensym'ed here
  e.msg = message

# so this works:
let e = "message"
raise newException(IoError, e)

Whether a symbol that is declared in a template is exposed to the instantiation scope is controlled by the inject{.interpreted-text role="idx"} and gensym pragmas: gensym\'ed symbols are not exposed but inject\'ed symbols are.

The default for symbols of entity type, var, let and const is gensym and for proc, iterator, converter, template, macro is inject. However, if the name of the entity is passed as a template parameter, it is an inject\'ed symbol:

template withFile(f, fn, mode: untyped, actions: untyped): untyped =
var f: File  # since 'f' is a template param, it's injected implicitly
withFile(txt, "ttempl3.txt", fmWrite):
  txt.writeLine("line 1")
  txt.writeLine("line 2")

The inject and gensym pragmas are second class annotations; they have no semantics outside of a template definition and cannot be abstracted over:

{.pragma myInject: inject.}
template t() =
  var x {.myInject.}: int # does NOT work

To get rid of hygiene in templates, one can use the dirty pragma for a template. inject and gensym have no effect in dirty templates.

gensym\'ed symbols cannot be used as field in the x.field syntax. Nor can they be used in the ObjectConstruction(field: value) and namedParameterCall(field = value) syntactic constructs.

The reason for this is that code like

  T = object
    f: int

template tmp(x: T) =
  let f = 34
  echo x.f, T(f: 4)

should work as expected.

However, this means that the method call syntax is not available for gensym\'ed symbols:

template tmp(x) =
    T {.gensym.} = int

  echo x.T # invalid: instead use:  'echo T(x)'.


Note: The Nim compiler prior to version 1 was more lenient about this requirement. Use the --useVersion:0.19{.interpreted-text role="option"} switch for a transition period.

Limitations of the method call syntax

The expression x in x.f needs to be semantically checked (that means symbol lookup and type checking) before it can be decided that it needs to be rewritten to f(x). Therefore the dot syntax has some limitations when it is used to invoke templates/macros:

template declareVar(name: untyped) =
  const name {.inject.} = 45

# Doesn't compile:

It is also not possible to use fully qualified identifiers with module symbol in method call syntax. The order in which the dot operator binds to symbols prohibits this.

import std/sequtils

var myItems = @[1,3,3,7]
let N1 = count(myItems, 3) # OK
let N2 = sequtils.count(myItems, 3) # fully qualified, OK
let N3 = myItems.count(3) # OK
let N4 = myItems.sequtils.count(3) # illegal, `myItems.sequtils` can't be resolved

This means that when for some reason a procedure needs a disambiguation through the module name, the call needs to be written in function call syntax.